Guest Appearance: The Omni Show episode 155

My great thanks to host Andrew J. Mason and the folks at The Omni Group for having me as a guest on The Omni Show, episode 155. I’ve listened to this podcast forever, so to be on it myself with the opportunity to talk about my favourite and most used software of all timeβ€”OmniFocusβ€”was so much fun. All details of the episode are available on the episode page. The show is also available in your podcast player of choice, or watch on YouTube.

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My night cat. 😻

Q: What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

A: Parenting a kid with autism.



I’ve subscribed to Kagi as my default search engine. Been trialling it for a few months. I like it, and I want to get away from big tech wherever I can. Nice to avoid Google’s crappy results and ads.

It’s fun to click the button that delivers a random post from my own blog. I have a considerable number of posts over many years and it’s fun to see what pops up and what memories each post triggers.

Finished reading: How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg πŸ“šA sensible, easy read about what makes big projects work. Focused mainly on capital investments but most of the lessons are applicable to soft projects as well, I think. Shame about the poorly-ageing Elon Musk cases tidy towards the end.

Currently reading: Year One by Nora Roberts πŸ“š

I went to an outdoor concert to see PJ Harvey recently. Here is a photo from the night. πŸ“·

Andrew before a night sky and trees.

I’ve bought a subscription to Quick Reviews by @mattbirchler. I’m going to use it instead of a vanilla RSS integration with my blog. Support a member of the community and have reviews that are more attractive. Win, win!

Banksia πŸ“·

Currently reading: How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg. I’m 20 pages in and loving it. Yes, I’m a nerd. πŸ€“ πŸ“š

USA is One with Russia

The United States of America has made the decision to side with Russia. It is time to accept that the USA can no longer be considered a good faith ally to Australia, Europe, NATO, etc. They’re ceasing support of Ukraine, suspending cyber-intelligence actions against Russia, and investigating how to unwind Russian sanctions. The USA is now part of the Russian regime. This goes well beyond people wearing red MAGA hats. This is globally catastrophic to the stability of a world order I have known for my entire life.

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Here, 2024 - β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½

The set camera requires strong acting. This film delivered although it took a while to find its feet.

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I’ve donated to Ukraine via their official platform. I know it’s a drop in the ocean, but if we all donate a drop, perhaps we can make a difference. And fuck Trump and Vance. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

A colleague of mine took this photo without me even knowing it. I’m really happy with how it turned out! Business and basketball all in one shot. Highly representative.

In one day of work I wrote professional correspondence, finalised a contract, played basketball with at-risk kids and a player from the Perth Lynx and Perth Redbacks, then spoke with two Federal politicians, including Australia’s Attorney-General. My job can be kind of unique.

Finished reading: Put Your Feet in the Dirt, Girl by Sonia Henry πŸ“š

Favourite TV Shows by Decade

Lou Plummer blogged his favourite TV shows from each decade in which he has lived. I thought it was a fun idea, so here are mine. 1970s The Brady Bunch I only lived three years in the 1970s but I sure watched a lot of this show in the 1980s. I wanted a house with a giant staircase and a housemaid. I still don’t understand the economics of how that family afforded to care for 6 kids.

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