
Day 10 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available.

I’ve made a concerted effort this year to increase my volume of book reading.

In recent years my reading has been dominated by web pages, articles and RSS feeds. This resulted in a decline in my book reading - something I used to do a lot of.

To track my reading and add some motivation I set a target on Goodreads.. This has worked because I’ve read 23 books against my target of 20 - a target I revised upwards mid-year.

Another thing that has helped has been an Audible subscription. I think it’s fair enough to consider listening to audiobooks as reading. I’m still consuming the story; it actually takes longer than reading the printed version, and it allows me to read in ‘gaps’ of time, notably driving.

I’ve enjoyed my return to reading. Once more I feel like my mind is being stretched and my imagination activated.
