
A Relationship Well-lived

“So it goes” — Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five I met Hannah Beazley in 1999. We married on 19 March 2005. Innumerable highlights (and lowlights), some of which include: Establishment of a business, which together we ran for 5 years, then sold. Multiple overseas trips. Vietnam, Hong Kong, Italy, USA, Croatia, Singapore, Bali. Each of these trips with their own massive collection of memories and experiences. Hannah’s chronic medical challenges, which resulted in near death, as then virtually unknown hypereosinsophilia ravaged her body.

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Kids Grow Fast

I’ve been cleaning up my hard drive, and came across this meme I generated a couple of years ago. This was my boy then. Now he’s 3 years old, looks different, and I wonder where the time went. I still think this is funny, though.

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V8 Day

V8day It’s difficult to be a fast driver when it’s been a decade since the last time you’ve driven a manual transmission car. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.

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