Thanks to @joshsullivan for reminding me about CloudMounter on Setapp I had given up on OneDrive for sync because of its poor performance on Mac, but this might be a good solution!
Carrot on the pulse with Apple’s strategy.
CARROT Weather's forecast for today 😝

I hit a roadblock with my v7 of Keyboard Maestro. I needed a feature from v8 so pulled the trigger on an upgrade. I live just a couple of minutes away from the developer in Australia but still had to pay in US $! That’s the global economy for you!
Today is our 14th wedding anniversary! Time flies! 💏💍🎊
I love annual leave. Second day in a row at the beach with no guilt.
I spent the morning at the beach with only myself for company. It was glorious. Floating in flat water, looking up at an azure sky.
I continue to watch and hope that Voodoopad will rise from the dead. Development seems glacial and communication to users is not great on their forum, though.
I previously bought Postbox v3 and have been offered a discount to upgrade. They’re now on version 6 and offering a ‘lifetime license' upgrade. Any users of Postbox out there? Any recent feedback on the software?
Boeing 737 MAX
Friday, March 15, 2019
I’ve been brought up on the phrase, ‘If it’s not Boeing, I’m not going’. The 737 MAX situation puts a real dent in that theory. This article by The Air Current, via John Gruber, provides a well-written view of what has happened. Given my interest in lean manufacturing theory, I particularly like this quote: The 737 assembly line in Renton, Wash. is a marvel of lean manufacturing. The line inches forward little-by-little as assembly proceeds.
It seems I might be drifting back to Ulysses for my writing, despite its Markdown foibles. The ability to publish to Wordpress and have an External folder linked to Blot, with great cross-platform syncing, is very nice.
@twelvety Is there a way I can get your email address? I would like to reach out to you about something.
‘I’m Busy’ Isn’t a Badge of Honour
Thursday, March 14, 2019
It’s common within Australian business culture for people, when asked the question of ‘How are you going?’, to respond with something along the lines of, ‘I’m really busy’, or ‘flat out’. This might be a reflexive response to avoid having to provide a more substantive answer, or it may be bluster to hide the fact they are anything but busy. Mostly, I think the response is given in the belief that “busy-ness” implies importance, worth and value.
I put my name down to volunteer at the school canteen this morning. I’m breaking down the gender norms - I was the only guy on the list.
When reconstructing a soup your wife has previously made, don’t get the ratios wrong. Using too much broth, thereby not leaving enough for future servings, will get you in trouble.
I cannot sleep. So frustrating.
The more I use Notebooks app, the more impressed I am. It destroyed Agenda in my head-to-head test. It’s much nicer on iOS than DEVONthink is. Very impressive software.
The Modern Trap of Feeling Obligated to Turn Hobbies Into Hustles
The cult of busyness is one of the most toxic aspects of our culture, but it’s also a defense mechanism.
I hate that in working society the default response to a question of how one is, is so often, “busy”.
@martinfeld I enjoyed your latest rumination on hyphens. I don’t always get it right, but I try.
My holiday plan sounds like a Tinder profile: long walks on the beach, exercise, reading…
“Tim Apple”. Carrot is up with the latest Trump news!
CARROT Weather's forecast 🤣