In Customer Service, Genuine Interactions Matter

Our family recently travelled to Bali for a holiday break. It was a week of relaxation at the tail end of a year that has been pretty crazy, and a 2019 that we expect will be even more hectic. When you travel with kids, conversations can move in varied and interesting directions. Our 7-year old boy took a particular interest in the toilets that were installed throughout the hotel we were staying.

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With the help of Be Focused I cranked out the Pomodoro sessions today. Achieved everything I wanted to, and more. It’s satisfying to end the day with a high productivity quotient.

Best Santa ever.

I’m experimenting to see if I can eliminate my use of Bear, moving its notes into DEVONthink Pro. This would save me a subscription charge and lessen the “within which app did I save that information?” problem.

I would love for one of my followers to take advantage of my Backblaze coupon. You get a month free. I’ve been a happy customer for a couple of years now.

Trevor Noah is one funny man. His “Son of Patricia” show on Netflix is great.

I’ve done my bit for quality journalism: I bought an annual subscription to Crikey plus their bonus offering at the moment: 3-month subscriptions to The Monthly and The Saturday Paper.

Work has generously provided me with a Linkedin Learning (formerly Lynda) account. So now, on what should I educate myself?

When your kid gets hold of your phone.

Workout complete. #fatfit

Durham’s $1 Million Plan to ‘Nudge’ Drivers Out of Cars

“This is simply giving you the opportunity to make a different choice,” he said. “Feel free to make any choice you want.”

Behavioural Economics in action.

I had the opportunity to tour Google’s Sydney HQ today. An interesting environment, but not one I’d enjoy working in day in, day out.

A nice place to have a beer today.

I ran the thought experiment as to which new Apple computer I would buy to replace my 2013 MacBook Pro. End result: wait for the next release of the iMac which will feature a T2 chip amongst its upgrades, and use my current iPad Pro as my laptop.

EPW Wrestling! Let’s go!

Using my iPhone 8+ with a Microsoft foldable keyboard at a coffee shop, writing in Ulysses, is an extremely pleasant way of working.

Pi-Hole is doing good work blocking ads on my home network.


Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton was outstanding. I listened on Audible and both the story and the performance were brilliant. A must read.