Klaus has done it again at his new Productivity Tips site - this one is an amazing Workflow to help fling files into DEVONthink.

I have successfully guided myself into 2 weeks of holiday time with nothing appearing in my OmniFocus forecast for the entire period of my break. Planning victory!

It’s great to have NBL basketball back. πŸ€

Lunch. #straya

I’m Qi-charge enabled now.

The Blot/Microblog Community

This website is powered by Blot.im. I also have an account at micro.blog. Those posts originate from my Wordpress instance running on my “main” site, andrewcanion.com. I like having this blot site, with my thinking being that it’s for random ephemera and other bits and bobs that aren’t as “important” as those posted on my “proper” blog.1 On a whim, I reached out to the Micro.blog community (at least that part of the community that I have connections with) in an attempt to find others who also have Blot-hosted sites.

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Ask Micro.blog: Is there an effective way to find sites running on blot.im infrastructure?

getting paperless in sales part one

An interesting combination of Siri Shortcuts with DEVONthink and Airmail.

I watched Baby Driver. I didn’t love it.

In macOS Mojave I’ve built a macro using Keyboard Maestro to automatically switch between Light and Dark modes for day and night, respectively, since Apple failed to incorporate that obvious feature themselves.

Matt Langford - Shortcut for micro.blog link posts

here is a shortcut that will help in sharing link posts to micro.blog

Running this Shortcut script as a test.

I’m looking forward to the NBL v NBA games coming up this week. Such a shame my Perth Wildcats will be without their starting centre, Angus Brandt. We needed that unit, who has a build like Aaron Baynes. πŸ€

Royal Show!

A Successful Day at the Office

It was great to be able to provide business advice and support to an iconic Perth business - Scott Print, as part of my work as a Business Adviser with the Entrepreneurs' Programme. \ An article detailing the work we did together, and their experience as a customer, is also available.

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Success at the Day Job

It was great to be able to provide business advice and support to an iconic Perth business - Scott Print, as part of my day job. An article about the work we did together as part of the Government’s Entrepreneurs’ Programme is also available.

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I love operating system update day. Beforehand, I’m all like, β€œI’ll wait a few days to avoid any zero-day risks”. Then on release morning I rush around in a giddy haze updating all the things.

Beer at Petition, Perth.

Ben Thompson really smashes it out of the park with this analysis at stratechery.com. So well written, and so accurate. It’s always more profitable to be a shareholder than a customer.

My iPhone 8 Plus Product(Red) is still nice and new to me. I have no desire or need to upgrade to an iPhone X variant. My wife, on the other hand, who is still rocking the iPhone 6S might be interested!

I’m addicted to Hearthstone. Are there any players in the micro.blog community?