In Flow

Some days the work just flows. Tasks feels easy, decisions are made, words transfer from the brain to the keyboard with nary a pause; and engaging with people makes you realise the world is full of interesting characters. These days of flow are generally few and far between. We structure our days such that we have no breathing room. Alternatively, we don’t structure anything and drift through without a clear and achievable goal in mind.

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I just received some quality support from Fastmail. Makes me happy to be a paying customer.

I seem to be perpetually organising.


Very cool that my brother has written a book, More Than Money. I’m enjoying the read.

Flaked out.

We decided the cat was named Steven.

Earaches all throughout the house. Isn’t the combination of winter and kid germs fun?

Drink time. Sure it’s weird and green, but she seems happy!

When your birthday dinner finishes with cups of tea all round, you know you’re getting old.

Last night we were out for dinner and ended up at the casino playing roulette. For the heck of it my wife and friend put chips on the date of my birth - 15. That spin, it turned up 15! 100 to 1 odds! We should have placed more chips on the turn!

For my birthday my wife upgraded me from my work-issued iPhone SE to an iPhone 8 Plus Product (Red). What an upgrade; finally I’m using iPhone apps as they are intended. And my hands which can palm a basketball are much happier with the bigger keyboard.

Happy birthday me. I made it through another year. 41 years young.

I’d typed a huge note into Agenda for iOS, when the app crashed and lost everything. I’m likely heading back to Bear sooner than anticipated with that kind of performance.