I enjoyed my morning gym workout! What am I becoming? I still have Kermit arms though.
Two exercise sessions today - gym and then basketball. Tomorrow morning I’m at the gym again - but it’s at 6:30am. Yikes!
I really like being a Fastmail customer, but it’s frustrating to miss out on third party service integrations that are available for Office 365 and GSuite.
I fell asleep on the couch earlier tonight. Now I can’t fall asleep in bed. I got the process wrong.
5:40pm, it’s 32 degrees, chicken kebabs on the barbie and a beer in hand. Things could be worse. 🇦🇺
It feels good to be back on the fitness train with a combination of strength, cardio and basketball workouts. Nice to give my endorphins something to do once again. With thanks to Kate at The Endurance Movement and Adam at Full Court Fitness. 40 is the new 30!

My new Steelcase Gesture chair has arrived. Oh my, luxury seating. 💺
The one time I forget to save while playing XCOM, is exactly the time the game chooses to crash. Bah!
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 →
Working at the local library today. Really trying to lock down into some deep work, but it’s a struggle at the moment.
Micro.blog has enabled me to find (and follow and subscribe) to so many great, new (to me) voices.
Two charity organisation door knockers in one day. I have a policy of never signing up to unsolicited offers. At least the second lot were nice people.
I’m in the midst of an RSS service showdown: Feedly v Inoreader. Leaning towards Inoreader despite being able to access Feedly for free on a grandfathered plan.
Book Review: The Organised Mind, Levitan, Daniel J. 📚 Is it a summation of basic physiological facts, repetition of productivity methods from elsewhere, or anecdotes that don’t seem authentic? Up to Chapter 6, it’s all of those. Beyond that, I don’t know, as I stopped reading.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 🕹
Sunday, February 25, 2018
I bought XCOM: Enemy Unknown last night on a recommendation from a friend. I’m not a gamer, and I know this is an old game. I also know my late 2013 MacBook Pro is not built for gaming, but it was just able to render the graphics usefully (medium settings, lower res). The game was so fun! I’m not a highly skilled player, but it has me wanting more. It has been years since I really got into a computer game; StarCraft was probably the game I recollect as the last one I played to death, and that was about 20 years ago.
So I went ahead and recorded a little trial podcast. “First Podcast Friday” from CanionCast on Anchor:
Writing versus Speaking. I have a predeliction for writing, but have an urge to at least try to record a podcast. What to do?
Writing versus Speaking
Friday, February 23, 2018
If I have the option to communicate through text or voice, I’m choosing text every time. I don’t love writing; it’s not a passion. I’m more happy working with numbers, to be honest. What I am definitely not, though, is a talker. In writing, I feel that I can more eloquently express my views. In conversation I never quite feel as agile, by comparison. It takes a lot of focus to think on my feet and maintain the flow.
I really do not understand Omni Automation. This is why I’m not a programmer. I can’t even get it to work when I follow the documented steps.
Choosing an RSS Sync Service
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
I’m reviewing my RSS service options to make sure I’m using the right one for me. I was a customer of Feedwrangler for a couple of years, and for the past year or so I’ve used Feedly. Now I’m trialling Inoreader, but I’m not sure I’d actually use the features of their paid account. Feedbin is too expensive for me, due to currency conversion. I wonder if the micro.blog community have thoughts on what is the best service?
This morning I had a gym session with Kate at The Endurance Movement. It’s been a long time since I have done serious exercise, and the sled almost killed me. Now, a few hours later, my body feels good. Back on Friday.