I’ve used Scrivener for a number of years to write work reports, but as an experiment I’m going to transition to Ulysses. The weird treatment of Markdown in Scrivener for iOS was the last straw. Ultimately my reports have to go to a Word template but Markdown helps the process.
Dealing with Illness
Friday, November 24, 2017
A few months ago I was unfortunate enough to contract Glandular fever and I am still suffering the effects of it now. The virus started out as what appeared to be the flu, but after I couldn’t shake the feeling of fatigue and general malaise for weeks after the flu symptoms ended I decided to go the doctor. Subsequent blood tests confirmed the glandular fever diagnosis. Normally this is a virus associated more with teenagers, so I am surprised to have contracted it at the ripe old age of 40.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017 →
Working from the public library today. Makes me feel like a student again. Nice to be around people but know I’m not going to be interrupted as may happen in the office.
What takes visual precedence; the jacarandas or the pile of junk?

Just pulled the pin and subscribed to Adobe Lightroom. No excuse not to start using the DSLR again now. Gotta get my money’s worth!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 →
Glandular fever has really knocked me around today. The brain and body have out been really lethargic. Can’t wait to see the back of this lingering virus.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017 →
I’m trying the new version of Firefox. I haven’t used Firefox in years. It seems pretty good and perhaps might surpass Chrome as my secondary browser. It is still nowhere near as fast as Safari, though.
Busy updating my website because what else am I meant to do on a Sunday night?
hbear and @billshortenmp at Bert Hawke dinner 🍴

I’ve just set up my own ‘/now’ page.
Home Network Architecture
Monday, November 6, 2017
Tonight I’ve sketched out my basic IT storage system and the cloud services I use on a regular basis. Ensuring that my storage network all hangs together with everything accessible from multiple devices and platforms while also maintaining redundancy through an appropriate backup strategy is not easy. I think I have my bases covered but it’s not particularly simple. Despite the complexity it remains a problem worth worrying about. I don’t ever want to stress about losing data.
Nothing beats an afternoon snooze. 💤

I cannot get Mac OS 10.13.1 to successfully install. I’ve tried the direct download, I’ve cleared out failed/empty APFS snapshots, and no matter what I do, the install fails to take. I get left at a black screen and the machine just hangs. I wish I’d never updated to High Sierra.
Horrorgram. #halloweencostume #latergram

A Place for Everything
Monday, October 30, 2017
Over the past five years I’ve spent a lot of time learning the fundamental philosophies of a production system known as lean. I’ve read books and articles, I’ve taken a study tour to see lean in action in Japan. I’ve developed lean guides for business, and coached companies in the theory and implementation. Yet despite all of this, I still consider myself a beginner1. Most of my lean work has been in relation to the manufacturing sector but the principles can also be applied to healthcare, food preparation, administration, and software development, to name a few.
According to my 6 year old son, the angels ‘respawned’ Jesus after he died on the cross. Too much Minecraft?
Little photographer.