Building maps based on time needed to get there. Mapbox Blog.

The live interactive map is great.

My MacBook/iPhone/iPad setup has just been featured at The Sweet Setup. My thanks to them for allowing my setup to grace their site.

This article by Riccardo Mori provides a fantastic representation of my own thoughts on iPhones 8 and X. I like that he doesn’t take the “tech blogger” view of thinking an annual hardware refresh is appropriate user behaviour.

As somebody with super white skin, I love Spring. It’s my summer; I can enjoy the warmth of the sun without suffering 3rd degree burns.

I’m not loving the iPhone X. If I was going to buy a new iPhone, I think I would choose the iPhone 8 Plus. As it stands in reality, I’m sticking with my work-supplied iPhone SE.

Part 1: My Business Philosophy

This is the first of a three-part series focused on explaining my business philosophy. On my home page I call out my personal business philosophy: Andrew's business philosophy is built upon the value of mutual respect, the skill to leverage process for continuous improvement, and the ability to ultimately achieve self-actualisation. Mutual Respect To make progress in this world we need teamwork and co-operation. High performing teams are built around trust and respect for one another.

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I’ve been actively avoiding the Mac rumour sites because I don’t want to spoil my own surprise for the iPhone event. I wouldn’t want to be the Apple employee who leaked the information. I wonder if he’ll ever get another job anywhere again.

I’ve been in the flow of writing. I look at the clock and realise that two hours has passed by.

Gave up on the cruddy D-Link DVA-2800 router. Demoted it to bridge status and brought my AirPort Extreme back into service.

Just added JSON feed to my blog, despite the fact that I don’t think I have any RSS subscribers. But I must be ready for the impending hordes.

Spring appears to be arriving in my front garden.

Seems like spring may have arrived.

I’m mucking around with blog template themes again. Trying to find a nice clean format that will look good for longer posts and micro blogs alike.

It’s been fun to discover some new (to me) bloggers through and in so doing, revitalise my RSS reader.

The Business of Glengarry Glen Ross

I love the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. I’ve never seen the stage play, but the movie seems to be a faithful translation and its actors are all top shelf, so I’m willing to accept it as canonical1. Despite the dated nature of the film’s setting, much continues to ring true about the circumstances in which the protagonists find themselves. Desperate times, leading to desperate measures, with each character dealing with the same adversity in their own varied ways.

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Ice cream, check. Blanket, check. Bunny, check. Okay, we’re good to go.

Diving deep into website development minutiae now: favicon generation.

Internet Services Worth Paying For

On the Internet there is a weird user expectation that everything should be free. Over the past couple of years I’ve been bucking this trend and have determined that spending a bit of money on what is both a hobby and an integral part of my existence in our modern, connected world is something I’m willing to throw a bit of money towards. I don’t want to be the product; I want to be the customer.

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In preparation for the deluge of web traffic I will no doubt achieve, I’ve just successfully connected my site to Cloudflare and Railgun. Overkill for the win! Major kudos to my web host, VentraIP for a bit of support along the way.

It’s a hard luck life.