I’m contemplating migrating my Blot site to micro.blog - and having a single site to rule them all. Should I do it?

8-Bit Christmas, 2021 - β˜…Β½

What a waste of an opportunity.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home, 2021 - β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½

Watched on Friday December 24, 2021.

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Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„

Finished reading: Ball Boy by Paul Shirley πŸ“šI’m afraid I didn’t love it.

Dealing with a kid that has autism can be trying. 😞

For Benji’s birthday we went to the cinema to see Spider-Man: No Way Home. The boy has been obsessed with Spidey for about the past four years so he was beyond excited. πŸŽ₯πŸΏπŸ•ΈπŸŽ‚

Benji was really feeling the Christmas spirit in this one. πŸ˜‚

It was great to get out of the house today. I read some of my book, and had a FaceTime call with @burk.

My bike has been professionally serviced. Once again, I have no excuse not to ride.

While @maique is looking forward to a wet and windy Christmas, I’m looking at this:

A year ago today I received my MacBook Air M1. It doesn’t feel I’ve owned it for a year; it still seems brand new in my mind.

2021 Retrospective

For the end of 2020 I wrote a retrospective looking at the main events and happenings of the year, broken down by month. I figured it would fun to do the same thing again for 2021. I didn’t take copious notes over the course of the year, so I’m piecing this list together from calendar notes. Year Notes Throughout the year I worked on two podcasts, NBL Pocket Podcast and Hemispheric Views.

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The King is Dead; Long Live the King

Update: 14 December 2021: John, a kind reader of this blog emailed me to correct the record regarding the age of these apps. I imply below that Quicksilver predated Launchbar when in fact Launchbar is the oldest of the crop. In my usage, Quicksilver was the first King - it was my gateway drug to this application category. But Quicksilver was not the first. A few days ago I noticed that Launchbar was consuming excessive CPU cycles on my iMac.

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Family Entertainment

This post was originally written in July 2021 for Hemispheric News; subscribe at the Patreon site One Prime Plus to receive this monthly newsletter and other benefits that are linked to the Hemispheric Views podcast. I am a father of two boys. One is 9 (almost 10!) and the other is 5 Β½. I work in a fairly flexible capacity whereas my wife has a highly demanding job that has significant variability.

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It’s cool to see your own feature request that you’ve been beta testing forked into the main build. Thanks BusyCal team!

When dragging tasks from OmniFocus to create events, BusyCal now applies the duration (if any) to the event too.

β€” BusyCal 2021.4.3

Crypto - I Don't Buy the Hype

Either I’m an old man who is shaking his fist at the clouds, or I’m a rational person that isn’t easily bedazzled and deluded by the madness of crowds. I prefer to think I’m the latter. Crypto has captivated the masses, and delivered opportunity to the financial grifters who portray themselves as disciples of a new financial world order. I may be missing out on ‘easy wins’, trading cryptocurrencies - buying low, selling high.

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So, yeah. I can’t sleep. What are others doing at 1:30am?

Subscribers (or Hemisphereans) to @hemisphericviews podcast now know about the PhD that @martinfeld is working on. One Prime Plus

Finished reading: The Process Is the Product by Paul Shirley πŸ“šI had read most of the source material and I love basketball so this was up my alley. A quick read which would be a nice primer for people who have never dug into the world of productive work habits.