Perth Wildcats 🏀 have made their 9th Grand Final series in 12 years. That is a ridiculous record of success.
I’m thrilled to have recorded an NBL basketball podcast with a sports journalist hero of mine, Boti Nagy. So much fun.…
I woke up in the middle of the night to watch the WWDC live stream with my @HemisphericViews co-hosts and a group of Hemispheric Viewers(?). It was the first time I’ve co-watched an Apple Event with friends. Discord made a great platform for it. So much fun.
Wardrobe Management
This article originally appeared in the May 2021 Hemispheric News as part of One Prime Plus for the Hemispheric Views podcast. Become a member today!
What is there to manage about a wardrobe, I hear you say.
“A lot”, I respond.
You’ve got your hanging section, drawers and maybe some open shelving. What goes where, and how do you manage this space effectively and efficiently?
When I was younger, jocks and socks were thrown relatively haphazardly into the top drawer. Now I’m old with a wife and things can’t be as simple as that anymore. Now, I fold jocks. Left over middle, right over middle, then a fold in half. They become a little square of underpant. Now they tesselate and stack. Perfect. Organise by colour. You know it makes sense.
Socks are folded in half into one another, forming a rectangular shape. I went through a period of high-level sock management; now I’ve reduced it to left-side of the drawer for business, right-side of the drawer for sport.
When does a pair of pants hang, and when is it folded? Do jeans hang? Not in my world. For some reason, jeans are folded and placed on a shelf, but chinos get the hanging treatment. Dress pants? Well, of course they hang. Shorts are folded too.
I’ve grown to almost be able to fold a shirt like they do in the shops. But not quite. They always end up being a little crooked. Then they are placed in a drawer. In piles. However, with my kids clothes I’ve been taking a different approach. For their clothes I’m employing the Noguchi Filing System. This is something I learnt from my work with the Lean Thinking, and deployed in personal clothing management. Apparently, others have already thought about this.
How Should You Organize Your Closet? Exactly Like a Computer Organizes Its Memory
Essentially, clothes get stacked in side-by-side, rather than on top of one another, and always get placed on one side. Naturally, more often used clothing ends up towards one side of the drawer. Eventually, you will know that the kids have grown out of the stuff at the other end of the drawer.
I don’t consider my wardrobe management to be optimal. There is still work to be done. But I think about it. Which is probably more than most people. Of course, I’m not normal.
Legislation Bill 2021
Do you want to hear my wife talk about a legislation bill to better manage legislation? Then I’ve got the video for you!
I’m giving Firefox another chance as my default browser. My major concerns issues are: battery impact and lack of Touch ID/Apple Pay support.
Hemispheric Views Mentioned in the Wild
What an honour for the podcast Hemispheric Views I create together with Jason and Martin to be included in Michael Camilleri’s podcast queue.
Podcasts I’m Listening To: Spring 2021:
Hemispheric Views: Did we need another three-white-guys-talk-about-Apple podcast? Probably not but the difference here is that two of the hosts are Australian. Andrew Canion, Jason Burk and Martin Feld have a great rapport and listening to a tech podcast with more of an international focus is a refreshing change.
What a thrill to be mentioned!
Following the example set by @Burk, I too have expunged TextExpander from my macOS life. The shortcuts I need now live in Keyboard Maestro. Jason put his in Alfred.
My kingdom for a good mouse that works with macOS. Logitech MX Master 3 - garbage drivers cause lag all over the place. Razer Viper Ultimate - doesn’t work with macOS. Apple Magic Mouse - ergonomic hell. Why is this so hard?
Solve-A-Mystery Games by Society of Curiosities looks like it could be fun. Thanks @Burk for the recommendation.
Contributing members of Hemispheric Views received their special One Prime Plus bonus podcast content today. If you’re curious what you’re missing out on, check out
I’ve also enabled Tap to Click on the iPad Magic Keyboard. The civilised way to click on all Apple trackpad devices.
I’ve remapped the Caps Lock key to be Escape on my new iPad Magic Keyboard. That seems much more useful.
Finished reading: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. 📚 Some good ideas that fortunately I’ve already implemented but the book has encouraged me to take it further.
Stickers! @hemisphericviews @manton @burk @martinfeld
Finished reading: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb 📚 An interesting book that draws heavily on Thinking, Fast and Slow: Kahneman, Daniel which I also recommend you read. We humans need to apply back-stories to stochastic events in an effort to make sense of the world. This makes events logical and explicable to our mind. Yet if they were so logical, why would we have not predicted them?
Installing macOS apps from the Terminal with brew install appname
is so much quicker and easier than browsing to a website, finding the download, messing with the .dmg, deleting the .dmg… I love it.