πŸ”— Link Post: “Daring Fireball: Ecosia Is Now a Default Search Engine Option for Safari”

John Gruber writing for Daring Fireball:

“I actually hadn’t heard of Ecosia before, but their story is interesting enough that I’m giving them a shot.”

If Gruber listened to Hemispheric Views he would have heard about Ecosia on Episode 2 back on 24 September.

Don’t be like Gruber. Subscribe now!

The latest mini-episode from @HemisphericViews talks spiders, Nissan Bluebirds and Gobbledoks. Have a listen. πŸŽ™

I express my gratitude to the community of micro.blog, so many of whom gave their best wishes to me when I shared the news of my Dad dying. This really is a great neighbourhood of the internet - thank you all. πŸ’•πŸ™Œ

Chrome is Bad

Chrome is Bad: Short story: Google Chrome installs something called Keystone on your computer, which nefariously hides itself from Activity Monitor and makes your whole computer slow even when Chrome isn’t running. Deleting Chrome and Keystone makes your computer way, way faster, all the time. I’ve never been a huge fan of Chrome. Reading this was enough to convince me to uninstall it for good. This website has been published by Loren Brichter, who authored Tweetie way back when.

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I didn’t have the best nor closest relationship with my Dad. Today, however, he passed away to be with God and I appreciate the part he played in my life.

I’ve cloned logseq to my Github repo. An interesting clone of Roam Research – A note taking tool for networked thought..

Micro.blog compatriot @Gaby submitted his desk to @HemisphericViews for review. What do we have to say? @Burk @martinfeld Best listen and find out! πŸŽ™

The latest episode of The NBL Pocket Podcast is live. If you want an update on the past week of Australian basketball, this is the podcast to listen you want. πŸ€πŸŽ™

Never change, Amazon.

Kids are occupied, wind isn’t too bad, and heat has died down. It’s nice to be sitting on the front porch now.

HVmini // Craig's Desk

Are you curious to see how other’s set their desks up? We were @HemisphericViews so we asked listeners to share… and they did! First up is Craig. Follow along with the podcast with best-in-class show notes, including photos. You also get to see how the sausage was made as we share a screenshot of the edited file. Listen, learn, subscribe!

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I’ve installed Big Sur on my iMac. So far, all seems well. I went to enable reduce transparency, only to discover I must have had it enabled in Catalina as the setting had transferred over.

Family night at the Victoria Park Family Christmas fair. Great to be out and about.

As usual, things get a bit crazy on @Hemisphericviews: @Burk drinks multiple beverages at once; I go overboard on ‘Media Corner’, selecting multiple items; and @martinfeld is shocked to discover that he is actually from the future. Is there an almanac for that? pca.st

There was the faint sound of an ice cream truck in the distance. Our kids have convinced Mum to take them in the car to track it down!πŸ¦πŸš‘

I’ve stayed up too late playing XCOM2. I can never get enough of that game. πŸ•Ή

Let’s Fix OmniFocus β€” Paul Sahner. This is a great article. I hope Omni are reading.

This final microblogvember post shall reinforce and remind me how difficult it is to post in accordance with a pre-determined word every day for a month! But I did it! #mbnov

I’ve had quite the pedestrian weekend, to date. #mbnov