As we head towards December, winter is becoming a distant memory. Next phase of our local weather should be ridiculous heat. #mbnov

Keep Practising 19: Podcast Player Roundup

I’ve trialled a few different podcast player apps over the past few days. This is a short summary of my findings, after trialling Apple Podcasts, Castro, Overcast and Pocket Casts.

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I’m enjoying Pocket Casts as a podcast player. I’ve always been aware of it, but never tried it. Now I have, and I think it could be the best of the bunch.

How cool is this? Thank you @Burk

Imagine if Trump decided to quietly fade into obscurity. What a blessing that would be. #mbnov

Send us your desk photos! Does Jason like his iPhone mini? We talk ‘one more thing’. Is TestFlight a cover for iOS demos? Andrew shares one of his weird documents. Surely you begin your week on Monday? And Media Corner! Hemispheric Views 009: You’ve Buggered Up Your Quadrants!

My son and I found it possible to fill our scavenger hunt egg carton on our afternoon walk. #mbnov

My Apple Podcasts experiment lasted about a day. The device sync is good. Nothing else is. Seems like Overcast is the only show in town for multi-device sync and a sane interface.

I’m taking a look at the default Apple Podcasts app. The library interface is inscrutable. Does this app make sense to others?

We all have a dependence upon our Earth. How about we stop screwing it up? #mbnov

My son has given me a bunch of reasons why a train is a cool vehicle. They’re comfortable, they let you travel around, they’re quiet… #mbnov

I’ve been a computer nerd virtually my entire life. I remember when a computer had 8 kilobytes of memory. Those were the days. #mbnov

Don’t forget about game days. Details, plus a downloadable .ics file can be found at Come and play! 🕹

Check out the desk of @Burk in the latest episode of Hemispheric Views mini. You could even listen to it on a new HomePod mini, if you wish!

When I was young I loved The Far Side by Gary Larson. Unfortunately his recent reboot hasn’t grabbed me in the same way. #mbnov

This was our beautiful girl, Indi. @gabz

I’m contemplating the worth of getting a second HomePod (maxi), putting it into a stereo pair with my existing one. Then removing the receiver, giant speakers, etc. Just simplifying (perhaps?) it all.

I would be happy to watch a spooky movie tonight but I can’t think of one. #mbnov

This probably explains why I couldn’t get MarsEdit to launch yesterday. Sorry @danielpunkass

Apple Server Outage Makes Mac Apps Hang on Launch

Own Your Content

Om Malik on Instagram’s Updates: I feel sad for photographers who think their future is on Instagram and the social network it brings. They don’t realize that they are there to help sell tchotchkes.  The latest “features” added to Instagram provide a timely reminder that the only safe haven is owning one’s content. A personal website and domain name remains the most reliable way to avoid your content serving as feed stock for a commercial enterprise.

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