I’ve been reassessing my note-taking apps again - that’s something that happens on a too-regular basis. NotePlan had been good, but I’m not keen on the v3 upgrade pricing. DEVONthink has shown it can work like NotePlan too. The answer is always DEVONthink. @jack @twelvety

Am I correct in thinking that each President of the USA leaves a letter in the Oval Office’s desk drawer, addressed to the incoming President?

If so, I wonder what Trump would write to Biden?

And I wonder how that would compare to the one that Obama left Trump…

Great to have the Micro Monday podcast back in the mix. Thanks @macgenie and @agilelisa

One of the greatest things I discovered in Japan. Put soy sauce on vanilla ice cream.

My iPad battery has seen better days and I’ve been contemplating an upgrade. But if the new Apple Silicon laptop is going to be a 12” MacBook Adorable, that might be a better investment. Tricky decisions approaching.

Photoblogging Challenge Day 31: A photo of a photo depicting love on our wedding day in 2005. πŸ“· #mbaug

No, I haven't found a fix for Logitech Mouse Judder

I recently wondered if I had found the solution to fixing the judder I get from the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse on a Mac. Turns out, no, I had not. Today the judder has returned. Incidentally this is with the Logitech dongle. So frustrating.

Photoblogging Challenge Day 30: It’s generally possible to make a discovery of something weird in the garden. πŸ“· #mbaug

Photoblogging Challenge Day 29: grated carrot flake(s) πŸ“· #mbaug

Have I Found a Fix for Logitech Mouse Judder?

2020-08-31 Update: No, I have not found the fix. I mentioned in Episode 15 of Keep Practising that my Logitech mouse was giving me the #$%@s with respect to the amount of judder and unresponsiveness on macOS. This problem exhibited irrespective of whether it was connected to Bluetooth or the Logitech dongle. Good news. I may have found a solution. Early days yet, but since applying this fix I haven’t experienced the issue again.

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I think I’m a full-time Firefox user now.

Aw man. Now I have to wait another whole week for a new Ted Lasso. πŸ“Ί

Photoblogging Challenge Day 28: emotions πŸ“· #mbaug

The United States is a shitshow right now. I feel for the many good people I know in the country who are having to cope with it all. A pandemic, murderous police, climate change, crumbling social infrastructure… All being enabled by a crooked kakistocracy. 😒 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Photoblogging Challenge Day 27: This white Australian is overcome with sadness for black Americans. πŸ“· #mbaug

Photoblogging Challenge Day 26: relentless: “a patient but relentless taskmaster” πŸ“· #mbaug

Keep Practising 15: The Value of Friendships

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in 2020, it’s that friendships are important. I’m getting better at making and maintaining them, but there’s always work to be done. In Nerd Corner I vent about the poor connectivity of my Logitech MX Master 3 mouse. Like the show? You’re welcome to buy me a coffee as a vote of thanks!

Photoblogging Challenge Day 25: hope Jeremiah 29:11 πŸ“· #mbaug

Mondo Electronics

Mondo Electronics is a company I’ve helped as part of my job as an Entrepreneurs’ Programme Growth Facilitator. They were kind enough to say some nice words about the value of the service to their business and me personally. Working with companies like Mondo is what makes my job enjoyable.

3 Cheers for Tech Support

Recently I came across an annoying calendaring problem. I have a number of domain names, with associated email aliases. These all reconcile via my Fastmail account. I noticed the other day that calendar invitations created in my calendar app of choice, BusyCal, were defaulting to being sent from one of my non-default email addresses. There was no obvious setting for this in BusyCal and it was an issue that I hadn’t noticed at all over previous years so I assumed there was some problem at the server end.

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