If we arranged a global agreement whereby the entire world entered isolation for two weeks, essentially pausing everything, would that eliminate the virus and minimise the economic impact?

I’ve draped nine towels around my study. It sounds so much nicer in here now. I’m sure the appearance will not gain approval from my wife, however.

Like You:

Like You is a mindfulness podcast for kids, exploring feelings & encouraging self-esteem through imagination-based exercises.

I’m supporting this podcast on Patreon. Both my boys enjoy the show.

Given societal concerns about COVID-19, I’ve turned to offering people I had scheduled face-to-face meetings with the option to meet via video conference instead.

Should I be more worried about COVID-19 than I am? I can’t help but think about statistically likelihoods and the probability still seems low compared with more mundane disasters. Also, I lived through a bout of swine flu which might be giving me false confidence in my immune system.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 30: Vision.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 29: Leap.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 28: Below.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 27: Together.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 26: Escape.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 25: Hurdle.

Now that’s more like it.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 24: Double. Two WD Red drives ready to join the array.

Productivity rating has been at πŸ’― today. I’ll probably crash tomorrow.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 23: Station. Going back in time for this one. A younger me excited to be riding the trains of Paris.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 22: Spectacle.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 21: Progress.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 20: Scale.

I’ve achieved the impossible. I have migrated my wife from Gmail to Fastmail.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 18: Space. The storage space I had on my NAS is not looking good.