The processing of creating a zettelkasten is gelling with me. I’m finding itβs clarifying my thinking and helping to capture knowledge in a way that other methods haven’t. I’m primarily using The Archive, additionally indexed in DEVONthink.
It has been kind of so many people of to reach out after reading about my dog, Jeff. It’s a great community to be a part of; thanks everybody!
We had to say goodbye to our dog, Jeff, today. As much as I know it was the right thing to do itβs still a sad time. He had a good 12-year run. Iβll never forget Jeffenhausensteinenberg.
Agenda and NotePlan: two apps that ostensibly do the same thing. They provide a method by which to take notes with regard to meetings, projects and daily happenings.
Design Decisions Both apps have been carefully designed but have ended up operating quite differently to one another. Agenda feels practically overwrought. It feels slow in operation, fiddly with a range of sliding panes, non-standard drop-down menus and a hybrid rich-text/markdown environment. Everything that is put into the app is tied up into its proprietary datastore.
At the beginning of 2020, an update on my current app toolbox. Of course, it is overflowing with too many tools. My ideal state would be to have one centralised repository for everything. Yet each app offers a different set of features and benefits, and scratch particular itches. So I think the unified data store remains off in the distance.
Purpose iOS Primary iOS Secondary macOS Primary macOS Secondary Best Cross Platform Blot via Git Drafts 1Writer iA Writer Drafts iA Writer Micro.
I had migrated away from WhenWorks due to its shutdown. Now I receive an email saying that itβs been acquired by @rosemaryorchard. Wonderful news but now I’m financially invested in an alternative scheduling platform. Timing not so good for me, but great news for @macgenie
I wasnβt going to renew my Flickr Pro subscription but now theyβre struggling for cash. It doesnβt fit my workflow these days but I donβt want to see it go away.
I poured hundreds of hours of work into MusicBot, which has gained a permanent spot on my Home screen. Best of all, MusicBot is available to everyone for free.