I’m nearing the end of my MailMate trial, and I think it’s going to be a case of “take my money”. It’s really good.
I’m experimenting with disabling Fastmail spam filtering, and instead using SpamSieve on my Mac.
This game was a lot of fun.

There are a few things I don’t like about MailMate but there are many things I do. I imagine I will end up buying a license at the end of my trial period.
Day One has embedded itself into my life. I’ve been writing in it since November 2011 and have over 1,500 entries. That must be the longest contiguous piece of work I’ve created.
Into the Personal-Website-Verse · Matthias Ott:
Whenever you stumble upon an interesting thought on another site, write about it and link to it.
I stumbled across this article, and I liked it. It outlines why the IndieWeb should really just be the web.
As a result of finding this article on this website, I’ve subscribed to its RSS feed, so I’ll automatically get future content delivered to me. This is what makes the open web so great.
Achieve a state of flow. Nek minnit, have to stop to go to a meeting.
My iPad has been hit by that weird bug where Spotlight search slows to a crawl. After attempting random voodoo solutions, I’ve now gone for the nuclear erase and restore option.
I’m experimenting with the iOS app, Secure Shellfish, for SSH/SFTP. It works great, but I don’t really have a need for it.
Early morning park play.

I have upgraded my micro.blog account from monthly to annual payments. A no brainer deal!
I’ve bought Calendar Paste for iOS to see if it will help with time blocking. First downside - no iCloud sync, which feels like table stakes these days.
A Guide to Using YNAB to Support NDIS Self-Managed Budgeting
Thursday, July 11, 2019
As a self-managed user of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) it is necessary to budget, account for, and forecast expenditure over the 12-month period of the funding agreement. The typical way to do this budgeting would be with a spreadsheet, laid out in the typical fashion with columns of months and rows of accounts. This is how I assumed I would do it. Yet as I got stuck into the job of building my spreadsheet I realised how much I no longer enjoy working in spreadsheets.
I bought Working Copy for iOS tonight. I only use git for Blot publishing but the app is so good it deserves all the support it can get.
I watched the first two episodes of Black Mirror season 5 tonight. I enjoyed them both. They seem more focused on people and relationships than some of the earlier episodes that get highly involved in ‘future tech’.
Hello gastro, my old friend. 🤮
The Economist: The global crisis in conservatism
At its best conservatism can be a steadying influence. It is reasonable and wise; it values competence; it is not in a hurry. Those days are over. Today’s right is on fire and it is dangerous.
I’m not a conservative but I understand why some are. The Economist explains the damage the rise of the far right is inflicting on conservative politics and, by extension, effective democracy.
Rainy Day Escapades
Friday, July 5, 2019
Lunchbox motivation.

Not a bad place to stop for a coffee meeting. Good weather for mid-winter, too.