My App Toolkit

At the beginning of 2020, an update on my current app toolbox. Of course, it is overflowing with too many tools. My ideal state would be to have one centralised repository for everything. Yet each app offers a different set of features and benefits, and scratch particular itches. So I think the unified data store remains off in the distance.

Purpose iOS Primary iOS Secondary macOS Primary macOS Secondary Best Cross Platform
Blot via Git Drafts 1Writer iA Writer Drafts iA Writer Drafts iA Writer MarsEdit Drafts Drafts
Report Writing Ulyssess Word Ulysses Word Ulysses
Meeting Notes Goodnotes OmniOutliner Curio Agenda OmniOutliner
Daily Notes Agenda Goodnotes Agenda Agenda
Zettelkasten 1Writer iA Writer The Archive DEVONthink iA Writer
Tasks OmniFocus Goodnotes OmniFocus Curio OmniFocus
Brainstorming iThoughts OmniOutliner iThoughts Curio iThoughts

Other alternatives available include:
