MOS brings macOS' smooth scrolling to any mouse:
The biggest (only?) issue with using a non-Apple mouse on macOS is losing that smooth scrolling, also known as kinetic scrolling. It might seem like a silly detail, but it’s such a nice feature that I really miss when it’s not there.
A few years back, when I swapped out my MacBook’s trackpad for a cheap mouse, I found a solution in this quirky, free, open-source app called MOS.
This is the only “guys having a chat” podcast in my feed. I really enjoy the dynamic of these guys and the community they’ve built around them. Recommend: The Battle of the Defaults and the App Defaults craze it created is a great place to start.
interviews with star athletes saying the same predictable bullshit after being asked how it felt to do whatever heroic thing they just did. All of TV and news is like that, none of it is news, all of it is predictable bullshit.
News is no longer news, it’s just another form of disposable content.
Launch: Lucky - And a Dinosaur:
Lucky not only removes the clutter from the Google search results but also removes tracking, lets you block spammy domains, and fixes some of the annoyances with Google search.
Another cool Safari extension from And a Dinosaur.
So, what is everyone playing for? Fame, bragging rights, LinkedIn endorsements? Sure, all of those, but if they are honest, it’s for the COVETED bespoke yearly Arcadia June Trophy! Obviously.
Jason has taken Hemispheric Views Arcadia June trophies to a new level.
And, let me reiterate that I understand this was irrational, driven wholly by anxiety. These were inside thoughts, and inside thoughts are better left alone
Keenan has the best lines. I often listen to my inside thoughts even when I shouldn’t.
I’ve completed the first Chapter of the Johnny Decimal Workshop. This is a pre-recorded video training course that has excellent production values. If you want to get organised, I highly recommend it.
Steven Hackett is being ripped off by douchebaggery from 37signals, as they try to get their HEY! Calendar app approved by the App Store Review Team.
37signals Resubmits Its Calendar App, Includes Dates in Apple History to Get Past App Review – 512 Pixels:
It’s a real bummer to feel like I’ve been ripped off by a much bigger company, seeing them pitch something I’ve worked hard on as a free feature in their app.
The latest feature was added today when I was inspired by something said on episode 098 but as of this moment I cannot remember what it was that was said. Regardless, I wanted to visualise the links between all the blog posts to get a sense of how the “trend” spread between people so I created the Network Graph page.
Robb has done an incredible job compiling all these Default Lists. My sincere thanks to him for doing it.
But what sets Bridges apart from the rest of the pack is its focus on making it really easy to get links back out once you’ve saved them. It isn’t a vault for locking links away forever; it’s a funnel for storing links and then putting them to good use.
I’m looking forward to putting Bridges through its paces. This is a great analogy from Devon to describe its value.
This shortcut provides a quick and easy way to publish a quote from a Safari webpage (or in-app Safari web view), with or without a comment, to Just select the text you want to quote, hit the share button in the toolbar, and run this shortcut. You’re given the option to add a comment and review the text before publishing.
I really like this Shortcut that Jarrod Blundy has created.
My friend Martin is a great interviewer on his podcast, Really Specific Stories.
And thanks to Jarrod for mentioning Hemispheric Views!
My Appearance on ‘Really Specific Stories’ - HeyDingus:
That, along with this being my very first time on the speaking side of a podcast rather than the listening side, made me quite nervous, but it paradoxically felt both exhilarating and completely comfortable to just chat with an internet friend.
I enjoy reading Ross Gittins' articles on economics. He is doing a great job of highlighting the many failures of the neoliberal dogma in Australia.
ROSS GITTINS: What's kept us from full employment is a bad idea that won't die:
Wages have risen in response to the higher cost of living, but have failed to rise by anything like the rise in prices. Why? Because, seemingly unnoticed by the econocrats, workers’ bargaining power against employers has declined hugely since the 1970s.
Hemispheric Views - Blog - Case Study: The Weekly Cost of an iPhone:
During the episode recording I referenced the spreadsheet as I was describing my decision to buy an iPhone 15 Pro. I rattled off some statistics, but Martin (appropriately) suggested I write a blog post that provides the necessary detail. Fun fact: the description of number series are not great content for an audio show.
A blog post written by yours truly in support of a conversation had on Hemispheric Views Episode 094.
My friend and Hemispheric Views co-host Martin Feld was able to interview John Gruber of Daring Fireball fame for his podcast project, Really Specific Stories.
It’s incredible the line-up of guests Martin has been able to assemble for this podcast series.
Let’s fireball the feed!
A shell script for blank calendars - All this:
I wanted a script to help me print out blank monthly calendars.
Oh Dr. Drang, where have you and this script been my whole life?
The steps I have gone to to get blank calendars in the past. Now I can simply run your script.
Thank you!
Three Years of Hemispheric Views Feedback:
040 I am furious Andrew doesn’t use “Grand Canion” as a username everywhere because that is so fucking good
Let’s face it, I probably should use that username everywhere.
This is just one of the many things I’ve rediscovered about myself and Hemispheric Views after reading this epic blog recap by @rknightuk. I am incredibly appreciative of the work Robb invested through his committed listening project of reviewing the entire back catalogue of our podcast.
My Blog, My Home - Geoff Graham:
That’s why I love my website. It’s apolitical. It can’t be bought by a billionaire (maybe). It doesn’t care when I last logged in. It doesn’t push me to gain an audience and could care less if I have a one or not. And the feed is spot-free of algorithms and sponsored content.
But it’s always ready for me to say something if I need to.
My friend and Hemispheric Views co-host Martin Feld continues to bring incredible guests to his interview show, Really Specific Stories. This week he welcomes Stephen Hackett, founder of
Martin Feld:
This time on Really Specific Stories, I’m joined by @ismh, who delves into the history of Relay FM and explains his shift to podcasting and running a business—all the while balancing the needs of advertisers, co-hosts, members and of course, family.
New McGowan Cabinet Ministers elected:
Wanneroo MLA Sabine Winton and South West MLC Jackie Jarvis will be sworn in as Cabinet Ministers tomorrow, along with new Parliamentary Secretaries Jodie Hanns, Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan, Meredith Hammat, Pierre Yang and Hannah Beazley.
The Premier will announce the allocation of portfolios tomorrow, with Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries to be officially sworn in by the Governor of Western Australia at a ceremony at Government House.
My friend and Hemispheric Views co-host Martin Feld continues to build his other excellent podcast, Really Specific Stories. The latest episode features a guest famous to many of us in Mac-nerd circles: Casey Liss, one of the hosts of the hugely successful Accidental Tech Podcast.
Casey references his experience as a guest on the show on his own blog.
Appearance: Really Specific Stories — Liss is More:
On this episode, Martin and I walked through my path into podcasting, starting all the way — and I’m not kidding — from when I was a toddler.
My friend Adam at is building another special surprise for his customers.
I have taken the pre-alpha version for a spin:
A Weblog · Human-sized Services:
There are now three blogging services that I admire, all of which are run by humans - not corporations. Humans making websites was what made 1.0, back in the Netscape Navigator days, great. Blink tags, under construction logos, and multi-colour Times New Roman font.
The Elon-gate’d Man | Jared White:
Jared White mounts a solid argument as to where we have gone wrong with big tech celebrity, and talks about how me might be able to do better in the future.
with this maturity has to come broader awareness that Big Tech can’t simply act like 21st century echoes of the robber barons. Either the tech sector must demonstrate its ability to police itself and show good corporate governance and a willingness to let bottom-up creativity and entrepreneurship flourish in the marketplace of ideas, or we must call for increased regulatory scrutiny on all fronts.
Ed Zitron has published “The Fraudulent King”, a marvellous explainer on the latest happenings at Twitter, but at the same time, outlined what a petulant, unimpressive person Elon Musk is — and how the world now knows it.
There were so many great lines in this article, it was hard to know which to highlight as an extract:
…we are in the process of watching said timeline wholesale reject Elon Musk and his ideology.