Point Walter sandbar.

πŸ‘πŸ» evening.

Spending Annual Leave Wisely

I’ve got some annual leave time from work coming up. I’m not going away on a holiday. It’s going to be time spent at home supporting the family. Despite there being a lack of travel and adventure tied to this leave, I still need to make sure I construct a plan for the time. I don’t want to get to the end of it and be confronted with a return to work, only to realise I’ve wasted my leave not doing much besides noodling around on the computer for no meaningful outcome.

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I mean, come on!

Selfie time!

Imposter Syndrome

I have a tendency to suffer Imposter Syndrome. At times when it strikes, it’s important to remember that while your own knowledge seems obvious, other people don’t share your brain. As such, sharing your information can deliver genuine insight and help. This is why, in TheBrain, I keep these two nodes linked.

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@joshsullivan @jack Do you guys cut and paste your wttr weather updates into TiddlyWiki, or does it run within the page itself?

This episode of Reply All - The Founder - about Paul Le Roux is incredible. overcast.fm

Kids Grow Fast

I’ve been cleaning up my hard drive, and came across this meme I generated a couple of years ago. This was my boy then. Now he’s 3 years old, looks different, and I wonder where the time went. I still think this is funny, though.

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Nice day to shoot some hoops. πŸ€

I hit the basketball court today, after about 6 months of not even touching a ball. I actually had good shooting touch, but man, my back is sore! πŸ€

Digging into Notebooks app and discovering that it might be an excellent replacement for read it later services like Instapaper and Pocket. Being able to create a task list based on document counts is really interesting.

@joshsullivan I bought Notebooks for iOS today which you recommended earlier. Now I need to figure out a workflow/use case between it, Devonthink and TheBrain. Noting you use a similar stack of software it would be great to hear how you tie them all together.

I discovered this podcast from 2016 featuring macdrifter talking DevonThink and a bit of Tinderbox.

I’m enjoying Travelers on Netflix. πŸΏπŸ“Ί

Welcome @beck (Beck Tench) to micro.blog! It’s awesome to see you here. cc: @twelvety

This has been a great evening of futzing around with my computer and, of course, updating my wiki.

Further to my question about app options for taking quick jots, I’ve compiled a summary of findings to date. Thanks to @cm @kaa @teisam @twelvety. I’m almost surprised I didn’t end up discovering Evernote (c.f Cortex podcast)

What’s the best method to simulate β€œgrab a scrap of paper and start writing” (such as jotting a number on a phone call, etc.) using a Mac? I have a million apps, and none seem right for this. DEVONthink has a jotter with kb shortcut, but the interface doesn’t feel right. Ideas?

I’m in my happy place.