In the first of what may — or may not — be a regular series, this is a review of my past month.
What Went Well at Home? The first month of my self-anointed Year of Fun went well. I remembered the theme as I went about my days and it helped create a better attitude and a happier daily mood. Summer school holidays are almost done. Our family has survived intact which must be considered a win!
After enjoying Vegemite for 40 years, the new ownership group have destroyed it by changing the texture. Today I bought the ripoff OzEmite and it’s more like Vegemite than Vegemite. Sad times for an Australian.
Derek Sivers has published a post about journaling. This is a timely insight as I have been on a bent exploring tools for capturing my own thoughts, including the use of a personal wiki, DEVONthink and TheBrain.
Derek says:
For each subject that you might have ongoing thoughts about, start a separate “Thoughts On” journal.
He goes on to explain:
Sometimes I think I have a new thought on a subject, so I open up the file and write it down, then afterwards I see I had that same thought a year ago and had forgotten about it.
I’ve spent a little time delving into a bit of economic theory today. It’s been so long since I’ve involved myself in that, it’s hard to believe that I hold a Bachelors degree in Economics. The achievement of that qualification was a long time ago.
I am grateful for It’s hard to find people that share with me a similar Venn Diagram of interests, but through I’ve surfaced a number of them. Thanks to @manton and @macgenie.
[…]it’s like swirling hot chocolate around in a mug: By keeping everything visible and mixed in and active, the good stuff doesn’t settle to the bottom where it can’t be enjoyed.
She looks out of the window, into the evening grey, and wonders where he went.
The wind was blowing. It added to her sense of foreboding, as she wondered when he would come back. Would he come back? Of course he would.
Before he left, he had mumbled something under his breath, something about there never being enough.
‘Enough what?,’ she thought while continuing to gaze out of the window, trying to push her feelings of worry away.
I had the opportunity to visit Perth Observatory last night and look at stars, nebulae, the moon and other celestial bodies. I was taken by this control panel for a telescope that used to take images with glass plates.
This is the problem with being slightly obsessive about productivity and writing apps. Which one of the many similar apps is the best? Never mind that the definition of best is likely to change depending on need.
Not even in this screenshot are Bear which I have a subscription for, and Agenda which I try from time to time!
It feels like summer has finally arrived. This morning was spent at Point Walter on the banks of the Swan River. We met with some old friends and ate sausages in a bun; a classic picnic favourite.
Meanwhile, our two kids with their two kids paddled and played in the river.
As the day warmed up to around 37 degrees, it was time to get in from the suns rays. The rest of today has been spent relaxing quietly at home; as we wait for the cooling “Fremantle Doctor” afternoon breeze to bring some relief from the heat.