A quick test to ensure that in-line micro.blog names are working, thanks to @smokey.

I’m on a bit of a spirit quest to find my ideal Markdown editor on Mac. I’ve tried BBEdit, Typora, Multimarkdown Composer and Atom with plugins. What do others use?

I had a WordPress plugin or some other customisation that parsed micro.blog usernames. It now appears not to be working, but I can’t remember what it was in order to fix it!

My thanks to @amit for helping me get @blot webmentions sorted.

I keep forgetting to appropriately time stamp my Blot posts so they play nice in the micro.blog timeline. My 2018 Review - canion.me

My 2018 Review

In recognition of the end of another year — 2018 being my 41st on our good planet Earth — this is a short retrospective on the major events that have impacted my life this year. The year seemed to go by quickly. Off the top of my head, it’s hard to think of anything monumental that occurred. Reflecting upon my list below, it can be described as a year of optimisation.

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I just overheard my 7 year old boy explaining how a payday loan company that is advertising on TV is a bad thing. He said they give you money but then you have to give them thousands more back later. Parenting win!

The boy received a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. Dad approves of Super Mario Odyssey.

Boxing Day in Western Australia and it’s overcast and not hot. What an outrage. I want my money back.

Merry Christmas micro.blog friends!

10:30am. Already tuckered out.

This is frightening. Even should the tower be declared safe (and I don’t think it will be) who would live in it now? Sydney Opal Tower apartment building evacuated after reports of cracking noises - ABC News

I’ve been an Overcast user since it launched, but feeling a little bored by it. Wondering if Castro might be worth a try. Do people have thoughts?

Living the holiday dream.


Not a bad place to be.

I miss playing basketball πŸ€. I was good at it and now I’m just old and decrepit.

I’m getting itchy to restructure my web properties. Trying to sort out how best to use my website, Wordpress blog, Blot blog and Micro.blog in a way that makes sense and plays to each of their strengths.

V8 Day

V8day It’s difficult to be a fast driver when it’s been a decade since the last time you’ve driven a manual transmission car. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.

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