I feel in the flow. Normally this feeling is linked to a particular task, job or project. Yet I’m feeling it broadly across life management and my mental state. I like it. 🌈

Finished reading: From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks 📚My takeaway is that I am in a spiral career transition. Plus I now have an excuse as to why my energy levels for work are lower than they used to be.

I simply don’t care about Apple Vision Pro. I have no desire or motivation to watch the 10 minute demo videos. I don’t care about listening to hours of podcast thought pieces. I’m not interested.

I started watching Loudermilk tonight. I like it. Not sure if only because Ron Livingstone basically plays a recovering Peter Gibbon from Office Space, 📺

Finished reading: Thirst by Scott Harrison 📚on Headway app (🪜). Glad I only committed 13 minutes to the book, rather than actually reading it, because it was terrible.

Once a Nerd…

I can draw a fairly straight line from my personality as a young fella to who I am today. I mean, look at this nerd. He’s got a Commodore computer running Workbench 2.04. Dot matrix printer. Stephen Lawhead books on the shelf. A thermometer that read the outside temperature. Basketball trophies. This would be a great submission for one of Hemispheric Views Desk Reviews. But it doesn’t end there. As listeners of my podcast will know, I maintain a depreciation spreadsheet tracking my major asset purchases.

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Douchebags Galore!

Steven Hackett is being ripped off by douchebaggery from 37signals, as they try to get their HEY! Calendar app approved by the App Store Review Team. 37signals Resubmits Its Calendar App, Includes Dates in Apple History to Get Past App Review – 512 Pixels: It’s a real bummer to feel like I’ve been ripped off by a much bigger company, seeing them pitch something I’ve worked hard on as a free feature in their app.

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So many big life decisions to be made. Being an adult can be hard.

I just did an internet quiz like it’s 1999. What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

via Thomas Rigby

In between watching basketball and packing Lego into boxes, I recorded E102 of @HemisphericViews with @Burk and @martinfeld.

Our friend @rknightuk has built a word cloud based on the 320 default blog posts arising from @HemisphericViews Episode 097. His talents are amazing to me.

Year in books for 2023

Here are the books I finished reading in 2023. This is a terribly short list.

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I’m at the beach! It’s a bit cold today.

Out of my Comfort Zone

This year has been one of significant change. A big positive change I’ve experienced, but haven’t talked—or blogged—about is my new relationship. Lisa, my partner, is an impressive woman who has made her way in life with strength and conviction. Her life has had challenges and events that have shaped her, and those events could easily have destroyed her if not for her own strength of character. Through it all, Lisa has navigated a path that has ensured she is a bright, happy and joyful person.

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Remember that time I live-streamed going to Officeworks to buy an SD card as part of the @HemisphericViews live event? 😂

Amazon - and Prime Video Ads - in Australia

Jason Snell writes about the consideration given to Amazon Prime: Shocked—shocked!—to find that Amazon is putting ads in Prime Video – Six Colors: when my wife and I were auditing our streaming subscriptions the other week, Prime was one of the ones that will basically never get cut, because free two-day delivery saves us money in the long run. When Amazon Prime was a USA only thing, I lusted for it.

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Currently reading: From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks 📚Time to start thinking about Act II (or is it III?) 🤷‍♂️

I did an end of year review today. Interesting to look back on all that has happened over the course of 12 months. (tldr, a lot!)

In my on-going Pokemon-style quest to catch all the note-taking apps, I’ve bought Notebooks by Alfons Schmid.

For Christmas this year I got everybody in my family their own AI-generated Funko Pop likeness. 😃