My first Raspberry Pi project has been successful. I’ve got Pi-Hole running as a network-level ad blocker benefiting every device on my network while also having my Google WiFi pucks apply their ‘adult site’ blocking.

One of the joys of having a good ol’ southern boy with us - he makes a mean sweet tea!

It’s Raspberry Pi night. Mine arrived today. Soon as the kids are in bed, I get to have a play.

I’ve finally got my CV on my website displayed in a timeline format that I have long wanted.

Today I simplified my home page on the Internet. These changes always take more time to complete than anticipated.

Seeya Bali. Benji out!

Just managing to cope.

I took the boy jet skiing today. I thought we would be driven around, right up until the driver got off and told me how to start it. 15 minutes later I’m a jet ski pro! Got to love Bali.

This Bali holiday is just what I needed. Relaxation, swimming, massage, sleep. All things I’ve been short on in my real life.

The face of a champion.

Another day, another pizza.

Yesterday we met a lovely family who also had two boys of similar ages to ours. The four kids played for hours. They were nice enough to take a photo so all four us could be in it.

Apple Juice is “delicious”.

Not bad at all.

Travelling in Indonesia so I’ve got the TunnelBear VPN cranking. It’s a solid product.

Travelling companion.

Springtime has arrived.

I’ve just got my Indieweb on and got OwnYourGram set up, so Instagram posts now get cross-posted to my website.

This is a post being made through Quill, after signing in via an Indieweb authorisation.

Investors’ cash drained for big Bux lifestyles | The West Australian

Withdrawal after withdrawal of other people’s investments channelled from a pool of up to $100 million raised in the name of a money transfer phone application that went nowhere.

It amazes me how consistently people fall for those scams.