I recently bought a 3-pack of Google Wifi devices to upgrade improve my failing home WiFi. After installing and using for a while, I have some thoughts.
Google Wifi
Thursday, January 4, 2018
For months my home WiFi has been less than satisfactory. Dropouts, slow connections, complete failures to connect, router reboots required, and so on. I have a slightly more complicated than average setup but it’s nothing so extreme that I should have had such annoying problems. I don’t live in an area with a lot of competition for WiFi spectrum and my hardware is all of the non-cheap variety. I have tried different configurations from using my ISP provided D-Link DVA-2800 (the worst modem/router I have used in my life) as a single WiFi router, then in conjunction with the device I have used constantly for a number of years — my Airport Extreme ac (the tower one).
It’s been fun to find some great new (to me) voices on micro.blog. My RSS reader has a bunch of new blog subscriptions to track. It’s almost like the great days of Google Reader.
I’ve updated my /now page
A great tip in here about using Workflow to create a site specific brower for iOS apps. Now I have Instagram for iPad! Using Workflow as a Site-Specific Browser - Initial Charge
Took the kid and Sensei Wu for a coffee today. #latergram

Okay, I’m giving Drafts another chance in my workflow. Maybe it will stick this time…

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 →
Lunch at the Lobster Shack.

Having a slow boxing day

Not a bad Christmas when you can finish the evening with views liked this.

Sudoku has become my holiday pastime of choice after it was explained to me how to play. Last summer was crosswords; now it’s all about the numbers.
@cdevroe Thanks for the link reference. Does us both remembering Adam Curry and Senseo (and maybe Roger Smalls?) mean we have to go sit in the old man corner together?
My Mac Apps of the Year
Thursday, December 21, 2017
With a hat tip to Gabe Weatherhead at MacDrifter who put together his list of favourite Mac applications for 2017, I am following suit. Third party apps are what make a platform great. Despite the macOS ecosystem perhaps not being as vibrant as it once was, it is still served by a wonderful cohort of professional and hard-working developers. Even though I’ve bought their apps, I sometimes feel I owe them more because using their software is what makes using my Mac both fun and productive.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 →
I’ve had a play with MarsEdit, but I don’t think that it is right for me. I’ve written a quick overview of my experience.
Trialling MarsEdit
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
I am writing this post in MarsEdit. MarsEdit is an app that I have always wanted to use, but never really have found a place for it. Now, with the new version released I thought I’d download it and give it a spin as part of the 14-day trial developer Daniel Jakult offers. Recently I have been writing blog entries in Ulysses, which is great in that it uses iCloud for syncing and has clients for the Mac and iOS.
How did you spend your Monday night? I spent mine reorganising cables in the TV cabinet. Living large.
Back working at the library today. My crappy work-supplied Microsoft Surface lasted about an hour before the battery died. Meanwhile, my iPad and trusty 2013 MacBook Pro are still going strong. I have to use Windows for one insane VB-based Word template. It’s terrible.
Considering an upgrade to Google Wifi. Currently I’m relying on an AirPort Extreme and a second AirPort Time Capsule. I have Ethernet backbone but the wireless handoffs are unreliable. Wondering if a mesh network would make a meaningful difference.
I only gave up on Facebook last week but I’ve missed it not a bit and have recovered time that is being put to better use. www.theverge.com