Man about town.

“If they hadn’t provided me with a ☕️ stat, I was prepared to blow the joint up.”

Just updated my /now page.

Selfie fun in the city.

Makers vs. Managers discussed at Farnam Street Blog. I’m predominantly a maker, and those long time blocks needed to reach deep focus are critical and generally under-appreciated by others.

I’ve bought Braintoss for iOS as an adjunct to OmniFocus. I just discovered the ISBN search it offers: take a photo of an ISBN and it provides you an email with the name and synopsis of the book. Pretty cool!

I just deactivated my Facebook account. Just so sick of the combination of junk and negativity. I don’t need that.

I’ve been a FastMail customer for almost a year. Now I’m finally transferring contacts sync to them and shutting down iCloud contacts sync.

I had a sandwich for breakfast, a steak for lunch, and now I’m eating cereal for dinner. The whole world has gone topsy-turvy.

Date night so we went to see Thor Ragnarok. I had no expectations going in and knew nothing of it having not seen any Marvel movies for a while. But I’m giving it 👍🏻👍🏻 up.

Early into this book recommended by @manton but so far I’m enjoying the thought exercise.

I think it might be time for Apple to implement something akin to Microsoft’s old ‘trustworthy computing’. This High Sierra security flaw is an abrogation of their responsibility towards secure computing.

I just got a Google Home Mini as a reward for shopping at Woolworths. The Google Assistant really kicks Siri’s butt. This is where ecosystem lock-in is so frustrating. My music is with Apple Music, my calendars are with Fastmail, so I miss some of the benefits.


I’ve discovered a number of new (to me) independent voices through It’s good to find and follow new blogs.

Happy Booj from above.

All Jeff, all the time.

Podcast Addiction

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I’ve been listening to podcasts for more than 10 years, way before they were mainstream. I used to load podcasts onto my work-supplied IBM ThinkPad1 and drive to work with it open on the passenger seat, playing podcasts. This was before I owned an iPod, let alone an iPhone. I think I may have been listening to Adam Curry at the time - there weren’t that many podcasts out there, and his was one of the first.

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I succumbed to one Black Friday offering, but only because I’ve had this on my wish list for about a year: the Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker (with Australian plug).

I’ve used Scrivener for a number of years to write work reports, but as an experiment I’m going to transition to Ulysses. The weird treatment of Markdown in Scrivener for iOS was the last straw. Ultimately my reports have to go to a Word template but Markdown helps the process.