Starting to enjoy the concept of micro blogging. Even created a simple URL at

Father’s Day; here featuring The Booj.

@manton Does a username have to be at the beginning of a post for the user to be notified, or can it be within the text of a post?

@matthew Thanks for the MicroBlog for Mac app. I’m interested to watch as it develops.

Going to Bunnings with a 21 month old kid is a challenge. Not once did Benjamin want to go where I needed to go.

Father’s Day breakfast at school with obligatory selfie. Loved my bow tie!

Going to Bunnings with a 21 month old kid is a challenge. Not once did Benjamin want to go where I needed to go.

Getting a pair of custom made RM Williams boots really softens the blow of turning 40.

Hello world! My first post. I’m on the cutting edge of social networking on the open web.

DNS Drama

The internet relies on DNS servers that do the dirty work of translating human readable domain names to something that makes sense to a device on a network, which is where you see four sequences of numbers separated by a period. I have been updating my homepage at such that it displays the three latest blog posts I have published by leveraging the RSS feed generated by Wordpress. RSS feeds provide a method for other sites and services to subscribe to the work of the site offering the feed.

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Mindfulness Meditation

I’m not one for new year’s resolutions but at the beginning of this year I decided to try incorporating mindfulness meditation into my life. This was an idea brought about by a feeling that I was living life in a semi-permanent state of anxiety; feeling the pressure of the now and the next thing to be done that was sneaking up behind that. I figured that some mindful meditation might offer a way in which I could carve out some time to intentionally slow myself down and try to alleviate some of that perceived stress.

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Love of the Open Web

While I’ve grown up on the Internet, I also remember the pre-internet era well and spent most of my formative years there. I was a kid who was able to get a modem and connect it to the text-only world of Bulletin Board Systems and Usenet (when Usenet was a service for discussion, not just binaries). I spent hours exploring these worlds, finding like-minded people, and expanding my horizons as to what computers could enable by way of communication and engagement.

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On Charlottesville, VA

I am not an American, but my father and my siblings were born and lived in the USA. I have visited the country a number of times. I have spent time in Virginia, notably Lexington, which is about 70 miles away from Charlottesville, the town that has been tragically in the news this past week. While I don’t have the level of connection to the place that a United States citizen has, I do watch with interest and feel that I have at least some level of understanding of the American psyche.

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It’s Daddy and the Booj.

Subscription Pricing for Apps

The corner of the internet that I inhabit has been up in arms about yet another app, Ulysses, switching to a subscription-based pricing model. From the perspective of the developers trying to build a successful business this probably makes a lot of sense. The business analyst in me applauds them for finding an approach that will smooth revenue flows and help fund future development. But changes like this can have unintended, or at least unforeseen, consequences.

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Opened my Lego case for the first time in 30 years. Last thing I built still in there. #timecapsule #lego #masterbuilder

Wouldn’t eat lasagne but was happy to smash the yoghurt himself.

The Business Speedometer

Trying to run a business without useful and accurate performance information is like trying to drive a car without a speedometer. Sure, you will be able to guesstimate how fast you are going, and sometimes you’ll even get it right. You might even get away with a bit of speeding! Most of the time though, you will be driving at the wrong speed. You will either not be taking full advantage of the car’s performance or you’ll get a speeding ticket.

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