Our @hemisphericviews with a Tight 45 on the button for 2024.

Kung Fury, 2015 - ★★★★

Funnier now than when I watched it on release.

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Paddington in Peru, 2024 - ★★

Lacked the charm of the earlier two. Perhaps it was the different Director.

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Robot Dreams, 2023 - ★★★½

Enjoy love where you find it and accept that things may change.

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I had a foot massage today. I think it’s the first one I’ve ever had. It was nice - even the painful bits!

I See You, 2019 - ★★★

I chatted throughout, which might make it seem like I wasn’t into it, but I was into it! Although what has Helen Hunt done to her face?

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My New Year’s resolution is not to change my PKM app stack for 12 months. OmniFocus plus Obsidian (work), DevonThink (home).

These are lovely words from Tim Klapdor about my podcast Hemispheric Views.

A Year in Podcasts:

Hemispheric Views:

This is the only “guys having a chat” podcast in my feed. I really enjoy the dynamic of these guys and the community they’ve built around them. Recommend: The Battle of the Defaults and the App Defaults craze it created is a great place to start.

The Lighthouse, 2019 - ★★

What the fuck did I just watch?

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House framed by a rainbow

It’s not everyday that you see a home perfectly framed by a rainbow.

Happy Birthday Booji!

9 years old today. My, how time flies!

Norwegians FTW

Norwegians are the best. Listeners of Hemispheric Views will already know of the esteem in which I hold fürstenberg; who is essentially Norwegian me. We have many similarities across our respective histories; it’s quite fun! Now, I’ve got another Norwegian to thank: Erland. I discovered Erland through Mastodon, I think. Although he also has a micro.blog site, so it could have been there. Like myself, Erland also seems to have an interest in notetaking apps, and his favourite is Paper.

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Defaults (2024)

It has been more than a year since Episode 097 of my podcast Hemispheric Views, where we held a Duel of the Defaults! competition. Others have been updating their lists, one year on. It seems appropriate that I should do the same. If there is a change from my list last year, I’ve indicated it with a leading ✨. Change? Category Default Comment on Change ✨ Mail Client FMail2 & Apple Mail Back to FMail2 app & no more MailMate Mail Server Fastmail & Apple Mail ✨ Notes Obsidian for Work; Apple Notes for Home Different apps for different contexts To-Do OmniFocus iPhone Photo Shooting Camera.

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I’ve re-established the Pi-Hole on the home network. Ads be gone.

My crappy Dell monitor has died. Long live the crappy Lenovo monitor that shall replace it!

I’ve turned on cross-posting from my micro.blog account to my bluesky one. Not sure I’ll keep it, but may as well give it a try.

Notetaking app update: my experiment with Notebooks.app is over and I’m back to DevonThink, and for work, I’ve bought a month’s subscription to Obsidian Sync and will likely get it for a year.

Commiserations USA.

Inside Out 2, 2024 - ★★★½

A good rendering of anxiety, especially towards the end. Overall, though, this movie didn’t do it for me like the first.

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Over 15,000 steps recorded by my Apple Watch before 2pm today. Well over my normal pace. That’s what gardening and packing a house ready to move will do for you.