Jarrod Blundy @jarrod created a shortcut that allows the creation of a meme library and subsequent selection from it, then the creation of a markdown reference to it. This is how I imagine Jarrod during its creation.

Why does every day have a morning I have to deal with? 😴

Cat guy.

Signed on for anotherr year of Micro.blog Premium. The best blog host I’ve ever had, by far. @manton

I held a 4-month old baby today and had it chuckle as I zoomed her around. So cute!

I’m about 30 years late but it turns out shoegaze is the name of the music genre I like.

The Dark Knight, 2008 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

The best Joker.

Hemispheric Views E117 edit Perhaps I’m getting reasonably good at this audio editing caper.

πŸ”— Hey, it’s Jason! // Arcadia June 2024

So, what is everyone playing for? Fame, bragging rights, LinkedIn endorsements? Sure, all of those, but if they are honest, it’s for the COVETED bespoke yearly Arcadia June Trophy! Obviously.

Jason has taken Hemispheric Views Arcadia June trophies to a new level.

Discovered the band The Boxer Rebellion tonight. I like. 🎡

Australia Day, 2017 - β˜…β˜…β˜…

A gritty film that is more honest about parts of Australia than we’d probably like to admit.

I finally finished the full run of The Walking Dead. πŸ“Ί

Double Rainbow. 🌈 🌈

My glasses are not in the same locationn as me. How annoying. πŸ‘“

I needed a spreadsheet solution but couldn’t be bothered to design and build it myself. No problem, I’ll spend $5 on an Etsy solution. Pay the money; now waiting 72 hours for payment clearance. Awesome. That time-saving idea didn’t quite pan out.

A Family Affair, 2024 - β˜…Β½

A couple of funny lines and lots of Zac Efron muscle shots. Why the hell did I watch this?

Those shockwaves you just heard? Yes, that was me deleting my YNAB account. I’m now all-in on Actual Budget hosted on Pikapods.

You know you are back from holidays because once again the weekend is filled with laundry.

I hate getting sick while on holiday. πŸ€’