Crap. I think I’m getting into Obsidian. Just when I thought I’d settled on Dynalist and DEVONthink.

Donnelly River in the south-west of Western Australia features kangaroos and emus that are not at all fussed with people.

I had my first drive of a Tesla. It was the Model 3. I want one now.

I’ve discovered the ability to install GUI-based apps via Homebrew Casks. Saves mucking around with .dmg files, dragging and dropping to the Applications folder. Still fun to learn new things about computing!

Discovered my internet was slow. After factory restores and firmware updates for all my networking devices, I’m back to full speed. I wonder for how long my network had been non-optimal?

My Version of the MacSparky Status Board

Recently David Sparks has posted a number of blog entries about his status board creation1. This takes the form of a kanban board of significant projects that he manually updates, providing a graphical overview of his work and life. I’m a big fan of tools based around the lean methodologies, so I was immediately taken by his idea. I’ve done similar things in the past, but David inspired me to build one with a new approach.

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Alice, 2019 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Brilliant performances from the cast. An emotionally impactful film.

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Cooked perfect steaks on the barbecue tonight. Delicious!


Frenzic: Overtime – Coming Soon to Apple Arcade β€’ The Breakroom All of us here at the Iconfactory have dreamt of creating a sequel to the original Frenzic, which first debuted on the App Store thirteen years ago. Thanks to Apple Arcade, that dream is about to become a reality. Has it really been 13 years since Frenzic? I played it constantly on my iPod touch taking the bus to work.

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Back to the Future Part II, 1989 - β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½

Not as tightly managed as the original but still fun. The Almanac is a classic MacGuffin.

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World Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day. Our eldest son, now 9, was diagnosed with autism at age 5. This was young enough for him to benefit from early intervention support which has made a huge difference to his life. It was not, and cannot be, a cure. There is no such thing, nor would I want there to be one. Being on the autism spectrum is part of what makes him, him.

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My second trial of HEY is ending and I’m happily retreating to my Fastmail/Sanebox combo.

πŸŽ™Coming in at less than 7 minutes, a show that’s highly relevant to our situation today. I would go so far as to call it a must-listen. Hemispheric Views 024: The Truth about Big Avocado!

I like the idea of imputation - too many businesses miss this vital component.

Dealing with my 9-year old’s autistic meltdowns is hard. πŸ˜“

πŸ”— Link Post: "{macro}Dungeon"

Game Crafter Deal of the Day: “Up to 4 players take turns drawing cards and making movements through one of four caves in an attempt to outpace their competitors on the way to the treasure room.” This board game has been designed by my friend Jason Burk. It’s on sale today; grab it while you can!

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Hannah Beazley MLA

I am immensely proud of my wife, Hannah Beazley, who has been duly elected as a Member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly, representing the District of Victoria Park. As the WA Labor Party won the State Election, she is now a member of our State Government. While the result was known on the evening of the official polling day on 13 March 2021, the WA Electoral Commission cannot formally declare a result until it has done a full count and exhausted all the preferences of those candidates who did not win.

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The Archive

The Archive owes its heritage to nvAlt, which owes its heritage to Notational Velocity — a unique piece of software that broke new ground by integrating new note creation with search in an Omnibar. I’m old enough to remember using the original Notational Velocity. The Archive is true to the heritage of the OG, but moves it in a direction specifically suited to the zettelkasten philosophy of note taking. What’s zettelkasten, you ask?

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I hit the basketball court for the first time in a long time yesterday. My free throw percentage was better than ever, but three point range was a struggle! πŸ˜©πŸ€


My mate Jason is digging into Fastmail, and liking what he sees. Fastmail. Who Knew? - //Jason Burk: Recently after a discussion about email on Episode 023 of Hemispheric Views, I dug into the settings and configuration of Fastmail and I was pleasantly surprised by how much more than a simple host they truly are! I’ve been again trialling Hey for the past week or so, but I still don’t think it matches the combination of Fastmail & Sanebox.

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