I met a guy who used to work for Nashua. Immediately I recalled the days where if you wanted to secure your quality Amiga 500 warez you would buy Nashua floppy’s.

One of the drives in my ancient NAS is dying. I’m going to have to replace it. What I want now though is a ThunderBay RAID enclosure to directly connect. I’m sick of network drives.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 17: Cool.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 16: (Spoon) Rest.


Have you ever used a pivot table in Excel, and thought that there must be a better way? Have you ever built a Kanban board in Trello but realised you need a second axis? Have you ever designed a table in OmniGraffle or PowerPoint and thought there must a more straightforward way? I have. So I purchased a license for the Home version of HyperPlan. My Uses to Date I’ve owned HyperPlan for just a couple of weeks.

Continue reading β†’

A new Blossom Dearie album is on Apple Music. It’s lovely.

πŸ”— Link Post: "Donald Trump, the view across the pond"

Paul J. Miller: “Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.” Paul offers some thoughts and insights regarding Trump, from a British perspective. I think the Australian view is similar, but members of our society are more likely to say, β€œwell, what else would you expect from a Seppo1?

Continue reading β†’

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 15: Balance.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 14: Warmth.

There are some cracking photos on Micro.blog - thanks @macgenie for surfacing them in the Discover tab.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 13: Rise.

I was a user of Overcast from launch until last year. I switched to Castro and it’s inbox feature to help with podcast overwhelm. Now I’m trying Overcast again mainly because of boredom.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 12: Attachment.

Watched the first episode of Mythic Quest on Apple TV+. Not sold, but not ready to give up, either. πŸ“Ί

I was able to go lap swimming in my lunch break today. I am so aerobically unfit.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 11: Plain.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 10: Sign.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 9: Lull.

I am excited to be hosting Mark Ritson at an event next week. Anybody who is mentioned by @gruber is okay with me. I probably won’t raise John’s critique with him though.

February Photoblogging Challenge, Day 8: Contrast.