Dolly Parton’s America podcast is awesome. I’ve suffered the Tennessee Mountain Trance myself.

Microblogvember: We have seen our intense hot weather in Perth abate but since it’s not even summer yet, I know it will be back. I look forward to summer through winter, and then it arrives… it doesn’t live up to the hype!

Microblogvember: It blows me away the things that humans have been able to build. For all our failings, we make some amazing things.


Day 18 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. I’m not a gamer; this month I unsubscribed from Apple Arcade because I wasn’t playing any of the games on offer despite a number of them being good. It’s an opportunity cost issue. There are only so many hours in a day and I find enjoyment doing other things ahead of gaming… most of the time.

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Microblogvember: Bryce Cotton is a superb basketball player for the Perth Wildcats.

Cool, I’ve set up a account. As is typical with this stuff, I know nobody else who uses it.


Day 17 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. I’m not one for parties; my introversion means I’m diametrically opposed to them. Having said that, I’m actually attending a party this afternoon/evening. It is a 60th birthday celebration though and should be a nice one. It is incorporating a showing of Blade Runner. I haven’t seen that movie in about 20 years, so I’m interested to see my interpretation of it now.

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Day 16 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. Our family might be about to lose our second animal of the year to old age. Our Standard Poodle, Jeff, is not holding up so well. He has developed large cysts under his skin, his teeth are wearing out and now he seems to have hurt his paw. Earlier this year we had to say goodbye to our Airedale Terrier, Indi.

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Microblogvember: The old proverb is that it pays to be selective. Don’t just settle. You can do better than that.


Day 15 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. About three years ago we did a house renovation. We had our kitchen gutted and rebuilt, our bathrooms reconfigured, wood floors sanded and interior walls painted, and a new front deck. A huge job already was made bigger because we had to move all of our furniture into storage and move our family into a short-term rental for the duration of the project.

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Microblogvember: I don’t enjoy swimming in bodies of water where I cannot see below my feet, into the murky depths.

I want to remove the www from my domain but I somehow have a weird mishmash of redirects to `http(s)://www' that I can’t figure out what to change, where. Anything I’ve tried to do has broken all access.


Day 14 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. Recycling is kind of a big deal in our house. Our council runs a three bin system for rubbish management: one bin for food and organics, one for rubbish, and a third for recyclables. My wife Hannah works in the recycling industry. She is the Head of External Relations at Western Australia Return Recycle Renew (WARRRL). This organisation has responsibility for establishing a new container deposit scheme for our State.

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Microblogvember: Our poor old dog Jeff has a big lump at the top of his neck.


Day 13 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. My favourite beverage is coffee. There is no contest. There is not much better than an Australian flat white. Italian coffee is great but it’s a transitory drink. You get it at the bar, drink it and leave. Don’t sit down because it will cost you a fortune. American coffee is bad. It’s either sweetened and flavoured to the point where its more milkshake than coffee, or its drip-filtered and been sitting in storage for a while.

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Microblogvember: I write this microblog from an event that I have been able to organise. We have a room of people undertaking strategy development and financial forecasting.


Day 12 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. A smell can be a most evocative sense. It can stimulate memory, facilitate calm or revulsion, or provide us with timely information. If I smell new carpet, I am transported back to my Year 1 classroom which had been renovated and new carpet laid. That’s an associated formed around 35 years ago. The smell of a basketball stadium: that combination of sweat, dencorub, and timber treatment to this day hastens my heart beat.

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Microblogvember: This morning I wanted to stayin bed. Unfortunately, a want was insufficient reason to do so.

I’ve watched the first episode of The Spy on Netflix. Highly recommend! 📺

Apple Arcade games drain battery way too fast. I’m guessing it might be the DRM? Anyway, I’m canceling for a while since I’m not much of a gamer. Maybe Apple will sort it out over time. Apple Arcade games drain battery way too … - Apple Community