
Day 4 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. Over the past year I’ve been enjoying food a bit too much. Concurrently I’ve stopped playing sport. This has led to an imbalance in the food in/energy out equation. In turn, I’ve seen the growth of a generous belly for the first time in my life. I’m not particularly pleased about this. My kid calling me ‘fat Dad’, is jesting that cuts a little too close to the bone!

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Catalina has filled my drive with hundreds of wifi diagnostic files for no apparent reason. Cool.

Microblogvember: If you want to be arithmetically precise, don’t say average; instead say mean.

Niagara Scow - Wikipedia

A shipwreck from 100 years ago is still stuck at the top of Niagara Falls. Wow!


Day 3 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. It seems that part of the human condition is to view failure as an end in and of itself. I think it’s better to consider it part of the process towards success. A life well-lived encompasses a procession of trade-offs. We necessarily fail to do all the things we might want. We can’t be good at everything.

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Microblogvember: I haven’t been invited to a fancy dress party in years… which is good, because I don’t really like them.

Microblogvember: When does a mark become a blemish? Is it simply in the eyes of the beholder?


Day 2 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. I’m not a handyman. Never have been. When I was young, I would be roped into helping my stepdad do work around the house or on the car. I dutifully participated despite the boredom. I couldn’t find joy in repairs and construction. As an adult my disinterest in physical work consolidated. Handyman tasks were a burden, made harder by the knowledge that my efforts would not match what could be achieved by paying a professional.

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In addition to Blogvember we also have Microblogvember. Prompts can be the key to success, so get the daily prompt for this project from @macgenie

Back to the Blog – Dan Cohen

In this older article, Dan outlines the benefits of blogging, but also the challenge of getting people to see beyond big social media.

It is psychological gravity, not technical inertia, however, that is the greater force against the open web. Human beings are social animals and centralized social media like Twitter and Facebook provide a powerful sense of ambient humanity—the feeling that “others are here”—that is often missing when one writes on one’s own site.

People still love the likes.


Day 1 of Blogvember. A full list of prompts for the month is available. I must rely on vague and fading recollections to remember anything of my life that happened more than a decade ago. Any key events forward from around 2003, I start to have digital records to draw upon as a memory trigger. For instance, I can say with absolute knowledge that on 17 June 2006, I was playing with our new puppy, Indi.

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Trick or treat. (But preferably treat, thanks very much.)

Inktober Day 31: Ripe.

Inktober Day 30: Catch.

Mobile phones to be banned in WA public schools from 2020 under McGowan Government move - ABC News

The WA Government will ban students from using mobile phones in public schools in a major push to reduce distraction and focus on learning.

Bravo! I reckon this is a great move.

Inktober Day 29: Injured.

I’m on the verge of splurging for a new 27” iMac. I’ve been saving for ages but am still nervous. An expensive purchase. But the 2013 MacBook Pro is showing its age.

I spend so much time farting around with various information capture and management apps, when really, DEVONthink can essentially do it all.

Inktober Day 28: Ride.

Inktober Day 27: Coat.