Just one day until the basketball 🏀 World Cup commences. I’m excited! Two weeks of my favourite sport. I want the Aussies to do well, but I’ll happily watch any two nations play at any time.

Basecamp now offers a free plan, but it’s restricted to 3 projects. I’m excited, but how to ration my projects? And since it’s team-focused, how do I get anybody else (likely my wife!) excited about this?

TV manufacturers unite to tackle the scourge of motion smoothing - The Verge:

Vizio’s Director of Product Marketing said that 85 percent of customers don’t bother adjusting their TVs from their out of the box settings.

This statement. How can people live like that?

Tokyo’s Famous Capsule Tower May Not Be Doomed - CityLab

In the densely packed Tokyo neighborhood of Shinbashi, one building stands out from all the others: the 13-story Nakagin Capsule Tower, completed in 1972. Its two stacks of small metal capsules, each with a signature round window, look more like a collection of washing machines than an apartment complex.

I can see that time has passed on this concept but I love that it was an idea brought to fruition.

My current home screen. I don’t love it, but it’s serving the purpose.

Oh my! The Australian Boomers beat the USA! 🏀

The more I see of fintech product offerings, the more convinced I am the gap they are exploiting is a lack of basic financial education together with an unwillingness to forego immediate consumer gratification. That’s not technological advantage, it’s social manipulation.

Fun game of 🏀 between Australia and USA tonight. Good sportsmanship all around. But where has Joe Ingles' jump shot gone?

MailMate Review

I have bought a license for MailMate - a mail application for the Mac. This cost me AU$84. Why pay that kind of money for a mail app, when Apple provide Mail for free, and I have access to a good web app for Fastmail and Outlook for work email? I was happy to pay the money because MailMate is excellent artisanal software that offers unparalleled features and power. That money also goes straight to the single developer who has committed to this app for years.

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Inhaling the beautiful aroma of this giant lemon-scented eucalyptus before it is cut down in the name of “development”.

WeWork's IPO: The Triumph Of Hype Over Fundamentals

WeWork’s IPO: The Triumph Of Hype Over Fundamentals: “We Dedicate This To The Energy Of We – Greater Than Any One Of Us But Inside Each Of Us,” says the banner page of WeWork’s IPO document. I mentally added another “e” to We, and hastily moved on before I cracked up. Sometimes it is perfectly appropriate to use toilet humour.

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Work just provided me with an iPhone XR. Which means I’m on the Animoji bandwagon now. Watch out!

There’s a sense of spring in the air. Birds are chirping and we have a blue sky and a gentle breeze.

My wife’s iPhone XR was lost/stolen. Somehow Find My iPhone was disabled. How was this done with FaceID and passcode required for access? Carrier has blocked IMEI so it’s essentially a brick at this point, as best I can tell.

The Economist: America’s social-media addiction is getting worse:

FACEBOOK users in America spend about 42 minutes a day on the social-media platform.

I’m so happy not to be an active user of the Facebook platform anymore. Ditching it and Twitter has salvaged much time.

The Boys on Prime Video is worth watching. Funny, gruesome and thought-provoking all in one.


It seems I can’t spend any time on the Internet at the moment without coming across insights, thoughts and video on the philosophy of stoicism. While this could be a product of frequency bias, I claim some modicum of defence because I learned about stoicism in detail in 2011 during my time studying at the Cranlana Colloquium. I have enjoyed rediscovering and reminding myself of the stoic philosophy. It’s a mental model that makes sense to me and can help ward off the feeling of helplessness in a complex and not entirely well-functioning or well-governed world.

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My thanks to the flu which has enabled me to sleep night and day for the past three days. 😷

OmniGroup Adopting Apple’s Standard iOS Document Browser

And the people rejoiced!

I’ve just bought and installed Better on macOS and iOS. I’ve used 1BlockerX until now, but I’m interested to see if this other app is, indeed, Better.