I was defeated by the combination of Hugo, git and Netlify. C’est la vie.

I’ve discovered this site by Bryce Wray. I have no idea if it’s already widely known, but it’s new to me. I like the writing.

I succumbed and bought iA Writer for macOS.

So Many Markdown Editor Options

The search for the right Mac Markdown editor is like a quest for the Holy Grail. There are many options, but finding the ideal fit is a challenge. It got to the point where I had to do an audit of the options that exist on my computer, and consider which one might be best for my needs. The list I came up with is, in potential order of preference:

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Hey micro.blog friends, you’re a coercive bunch! I think I’m going to have to run with iA Writer! Is there a way to get x-callback URLs to render as tapable links though?

I’m getting the hang of using git from the terminal now.

I’m really in the mood for shaking up my apps. Now I’m looking at Mailmate for email. It’s an app I’ve known about for years, but now I’m genuinely interested.

42: The Meaning of Life

“The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42.” – Douglas Adams In that case, I’m looking forward to true enlightenment because today is my 42nd birthday. I was fortunate to be born in Australia. We didn’t have much growing up. Raised by a mother whose husband returned to the USA without his wife and four children, we benefited from the generosity of the country’s social safety net to keep our heads just above water.

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1Writer & Working Copy

This is a post written in 1Writer and to be published via Working Copy on iOS. Files Integration Is Great! Now I’m editing this file in iA Writer as it is linked with Working Copy’s instance of my file through iCloud and Files app. I wish iA Writer supported TextExpander.

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Will I End up Buying BBEdit?

I’ve always had a version of BBEdit on my Mac. For a while it was TextWrangler, but now it’s back to BBEdit (unregistered). It’s one of those apps I don’t use very often, but when I want a pure Mac text editing experience, I know I can rely on it. BBEdit can do a whole bunch of things that I don’t understand and have no need for. But it is working very nicely as an integrated text editor for GitHub Desktop, and I feel like I might now benefit from the ‘unlocked’ version of BBEdit.

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Cloned to GitHub

So now I have cloned my Blot repository into Github and am using Github desktop on the Mac. As this is editing via Github I have no idea how or if my edits here will make it to my site. The nice thing about Github Desktop is it allowed me to easily open this whole project/site into BBEdit. Update At first this didn’t work, but it was simply because I’d forgotten to add the .

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Git Test 2

I’m going to try to share it over to Working Copy for publishing via Git. Wish me luck. iOS Integration I’ve opened this file in iA Writer from the Working Copy files provider for the version stored on Blot. What happens now?

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Dropbox Is Bloating, So Move to Git

This is literally a test post using Git instead of Dropbox. I have no idea what I’m doing with Git, but what could go wrong?

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Some time ago I purchased a license for Resilio Sync. I use it only occasionally but it also could make a fine replacement for Dropbox.

I ain’t got no time for this new bloated Dropbox garbage. I don’t use Dropbox for that much already - might be time to let it go. The one thing I will need to figure out though is how to publish to @blot with Github.

I feel emotionally drained after watching Bob Hawke’s memorial service. What a magnificent Prime Minister he was for our nation. I’m honoured to at least say that I met him a number of times.

I’ve borrowed a book from the public library, this copy of which has not been borrowed by anybody before me. It feels wonderfully decadent to have access to a brand new book for free. πŸ“š

Hanging out with the kid.

I’m trialling DevonThink 3 beta, and the side bar workflow is weird. I know what they were trying to do in terms of making it more like Mail, but the new structure has made me much less efficient.

Getting SSL encryption on micro.blog was a heck of lot easier than with my previous hosting provider. I’m feeling pretty good about this transition.