It seems like my reconfigured web services are working. Homepage at and blog with for the win!
I’ve just signed up for a paid account and this is my first post to it. I think this could be the way out of my Wordpress quagmire.
DNS reconfiguration tasks are the purgatory of the Internet.
@brentsimmons NetNewsWire is great, thanks for bringing it back to life. I understand why Feedly is next on the sync list, but can I request Inoreader support after that?
I’m proud of myself - I just debugged somebody else’s Javascript code, and I’m not even a programmer. Now it works as intended.
@jamesshelley I am checking in with you as I have enjoyed your writing in the past. Your website now seems in some bit of disrepair. I hope you are still out there and doing well.
@joejenett I think I fixed it with the help of this resource - so this post is a test!
Uber’s Path of Destruction - American Affairs Journal
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Uber’s Path of Destruction - American Affairs Journal: Since it began operations in 2010, Uber has grown to the point where it now collects over $45 billion in gross passenger revenue, and it has seized a major share of the urban car service market. But the widespread belief that it is a highly innovative and successful company has no basis in economic reality. An examination of Uber’s economics suggests that it has no hope of ever earning sustainable urban car service profits in competitive markets.
I think I might try ditching Fantastical in favour of the stock calendar app on iOS. I’m fed up with Fantastical not supporting travel time, and by using Drafts I should still be able to add events using natural language.
I’m having to upgrade to the 2Tb iCloud tier for our family. My wife takes too many photos!
Read-it-Later with...
Friday, June 7, 2019
I’ve used Instapaper relatively consistently since Marco Arment introduced it. Was that a decade ago now? Occasionally I’ve stopped using it, or toyed with other services like Pocket, or Safari’s Reading List feature. In the end, however, I’ve always gone back to Instapaper. Despite that usage, I’ve never been interested in any of the service’s ‘power user’ features. They’ve always felt disjointed from my larger workflows. My Instapaper history is an island of data that is unconnected from my other information, which is primarily kept in DEVONthink.
Ctrl-Cmd-G has to be about the best feature in the new version 3 of DEVONthink. It’s the equivalent of Cmd-O in OmniFocus.
I updated the details of my technology stack.
I was just able to successfully extract over 2000 articles from Instapaper into DevonThink using an AppleScript. Now I can search and leverage my reading history. I’m going to cease using Instapaper now, and consolidate around DevonThink.
Microsoft says mandatory password changing is “ancient and obsolete”
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Via Ars Technica: Microsoft said it was removing periodic password changes from the security baseline settings it recommends for customers and auditors. After decades of Microsoft recommending passwords be changed regularly, Microsoft employee Aaron Margosis said the requirement is an “ancient and obsolete mitigation of very low value.” I use 1Password to reduce my own security risk by allowing it to automatically generate random passwords as required, but I’m not most people.
I have ploughed hours of time into Zelda and I still feel that I’m only just scratching the surface.
Getting Back in the Swing
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
It’s not particularly easy getting into the swing of work after an extended absence. Today is my first day with my legs back under the desk after enjoying an extended break. This is a time of reacquainting myself with things. Picking up projects and tasks that have laid idle for some time, waiting for my return. Checking in on others and hoping that progress has been made in my absence.
I dislike my current home screen.

Beautiful weather for my first time at Perth’s new stadium. This place is magnificent.

Discovering the thrill of books.