Planning on Paper?

Finished reading: The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran 📚

After reading this I’ve pulled out a hard copy Best Self journal my wife bought me a while ago and have been giving it a go. I am enjoying the paper lifestyle in support of my typical Fantastical/OmniFocus/Agenda/Logseq combination.

I am going to give it a full genuine effort for at least the 13-week cycle the journal allows. I don’t know if it will stick after that but having a change-up in approach to help keep some mindful plasticity is probably no bad thing.

Finished reading: The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande 📚 I didn’t want a story justifying the use of checklists; I wanted a book providing a guide to the development of best practice checklists.

Finished reading: The Profit Paradox by Jan Eeckhout 📚 It took me a long time to finish because I put it down halfway through and left it for a while. Great insights, but did tend to get a little bogged down in the last third. Very US-centric, of course.

Finished reading: My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout 📚. A short story that initiated self-reflection of how my own childhood experience resulted in the life I have today.

Finished reading: Everybody Lies by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz 📚 An enjoyable read that is let down by its extreme US-centricity.

Finished reading: The Highly Sensitive Person by E. Aron 📚 An insight into a personality type that might generally be labelled as shy. I see many links between HSP and Autism. The book’s best work is done early; the final third lost me. The interminable fixation on a review of one’s childhood was overdone.

Finished reading: Ball Boy by Paul Shirley 📚I’m afraid I didn’t love it.

Finished reading: The Process Is the Product by Paul Shirley 📚I had read most of the source material and I love basketball so this was up my alley. A quick read which would be a nice primer for people who have never dug into the world of productive work habits.

Currently reading: Thinking In Systems by Donella Meadows. This has been on my list for ages; time to get into it. 📚

Finished reading: Honeybee by Craig Silvey. An incredible coming-of-age story of a boy with all the odds stacked against him. Wonderful to read a book set in my home town, too. 📚

Finished reading: So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport 📚. A more realistic approach to finding enjoyment from a working life. I still feel stuck in my career, though.

Finished reading: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. 📚 Some good ideas that fortunately I’ve already implemented but the book has encouraged me to take it further.

Finished reading: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb 📚 An interesting book that draws heavily on Thinking, Fast and Slow: Kahneman, Daniel which I also recommend you read. We humans need to apply back-stories to stochastic events in an effort to make sense of the world. This makes events logical and explicable to our mind. Yet if they were so logical, why would we have not predicted them?

Currently reading: Beartown: A Novel by Backman, Fredrik 📚

Currently reading: Just Money by Royce Kurmelovs 📚

Currently reading: Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout 📚

Finished reading: Chosen People by Robert Whitlow 📚

Want to read: Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout 📚

Currently reading: Chosen People by Robert Whitlow 📚

I’ve borrowed a book from the public library, this copy of which has not been borrowed by anybody before me. It feels wonderfully decadent to have access to a brand new book for free. 📚