How Differential Gears Work
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Watching things like this remind how little I know.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Watching things like this remind how little I know.
Saturday, June 1, 2019 I’ve been noodling around trying to figure out the most effective way to write and publish onto this Blot-powered page, especially from iOS, but also recognising that I do also use macOS. The answer is always Drafts, isn’t it? That app that I keep trying to incorporate into my workflow, and then keep forgetting about. Thanks to @vasta and galexa I should be able to develop a better/faster/more efficient process.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
I’ve been noodling around trying to figure out the most effective way to write and publish onto this Blot-powered page, especially from iOS, but also recognising that I do also use macOS. This is theoretically easy, since Blot just needs a file to exist in a Dropbox folder. Where I’ve found some problems, though, is in the production of link blog posts. Recent experimentation on my other blog using MarsEdit and its lovely Safari extension for the creation of link posts has made me more frustrated with my current workflow for link posts here on Blot.
Friday, May 31, 2019
The Steep Drop in Britain’s Coal Usage: In Britain, the birthplace of the industrial revolution, no coal has been used to produce power for the last 11 days. Coal is on the decline. This is market forces at work, not simply ideology.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Print and television giant Seven West Media has taken control of Community Newspaper Group in a deal that gives the company increased control over the West Australian media landscape, but has brought fears more jobs could be lost. The deal brings several of Perth’s major suburban newspapers under the same company that owns The West Australian and Sunday Times newspapers, and top-rating TV news destination Seven News.
I’ve spent the last few days in Albany, in the southwest of Western Australia. I haven’t been here for years. I had a memory of loving it, and I can confirm I do love it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Reading in the Age of Constant Distraction: Horizontal reading rules the day. What I do when I look at Twitter is less akin to reading a book than to the encounter I have with a recipe’s instructions or the fine print of a receipt: I’m taking in information, not enlightenment. It’s a way to pass the time, not to live in it. Reading—real reading, the kind Birkerts makes his impassioned case for—draws on our vertical sensibility, however latent, and “where it does not assume depth, it creates it.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
How can so many watch and enjoy inane, superficial television shows? Why does the population focus more on sporting events than geopolitical disasters? Why is consumerism celebrated and the rise of social media ‘influencers’ followed with such passion? I feel as though our civilisation is being incessantly dumbed down. Our attention is the commodity that every company, every ‘influencer’, every entertainment option wants to attract, and competition is fierce. Rather than recognise the value of our attention, we seem willing to give it away for little to nothing in return.
I’m enjoying having MarsEdit available on Setapp.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Keyboard Maestro Field Guide | MacSparky Field Guides: With Keyboard Maestro, you can automate just about anything. In addition to teaching you all of the mechanics of Keyboard Maestro, this course includes a number of walkthroughs of automation workflows you can use, download, or alter to automate your own Mac. Keyboard Maestro is one of the Mac apps, alongside other automation tools Hazel and Textexpander, that ensure I get 40 hours of work done each week with about 30 hours of effort.
Monday, May 20, 2019
I have previously written about trialling MarsEdit but ultimately the app didn’t stick. Now MarsEdit has been made available as part of my Setapp subscription, so I’m able to give it another go, this time as a paying customer. This post is being written and published using MarsEdit. It will be interesting to see if the software establishes itself as a consistent part of my blogging workflow. The big challenge is that there are so many great writing apps on macOS (and iOS), so competition is intense.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
What Went Well at Home? Not having to go to work each day has allowed me to really find a rhythm in terms of household management. I could really get used to being a house-husband. What Went Well at Work? Another month of not being there — thanks Long Service Leave! Interestingly, I am not missing it at all. Clearly, I have a good mental balance between work and life.
Zelda Breath of the Wild is addictive!
I met some new people today who were just brilliant folk. Hit it off with them immediately. It’s not often that you get to make ‘new friends' through random chance.
My Easter bunny related news: I finished Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. What a great game.
Easter treats.
My Apple Store visit was a huge success today. My capable Genius confirmed my iPad discolouration patch, and replaced the iPad with a new one on the spot. Best part about that is I get a new battery!
Adobe Rush for iOS is good. Some bugs in places, but it’s helping me to edit together video successfully.
@martinfeld You’ve been fireballed!
My iPad Pro has developed a ‘lighter’ splotch on the screen, just a bit above the home button. I keep thinking it’s a smudge, but it’s definitely the screen. Now I can’t unsee it. Must be upgrade time. 😅