I couldn’t resist the lure of a new domain name; canion.me is mine. Now what to do with it?

Teens Racking up Thousands in Debt While Parents Unaware

Thirteen per cent of families even had to delay paying a bill or cut back spending on necessities to compensate for children’s purchases. — ABC News I am incredibly grateful that my Mum ensured I had financial literacy at a young age. We were poor but that didn’t stop me from learning the value of money. I’ve always been hyper-aware of money management, to the point of risk aversion.

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Hello World

I created a new domain, canion.me and now I’ve scratched another curiosity itch by setting up a Blot instance. Blogging by putting stuff into a Dropbox folder? Sounds like fun.

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I’m not a gamer by any means but I just got hooked playing Marvel Strike Force on iOS for far too long.

After listening to the latest episode of The Omni Show, I’m now researching every tiki bar in Perth. I’ve only ever been to one and that was about 9 years ago.

Calendar Management for Productivity & Sanity

I lean heavily on my diary to plan ahead, guide me through my days, and establish a rhythm to my life. The type of work I do has a tendency to drift towards haphazard if not controlled, so a calendar helps me establish and maintain order. The problem I’ve faced in more recent times is having an overabundance of calendars I need to refer to before being able to commit to something.

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Just found this archived screenshot from my Google Reader account before it shut down.

@amit Your work on Micro.threads is amazing!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Searching for hobbies

Searching for Hobbies

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It’s very easy to spend time focusing on work. It has a tangible reward - income! It provides an emotional response - we might love it or hate it (or even just feel meh about it). And, for many, it defines who we are.1 I’ve been taking stock, and have realised that I need to add some more variety to my days.

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A great quote from a post about web bloat:

You know how building wider roads doesn’t improve commute times, as it simply encourages people to drive more? It’s that, but with bytes and bandwidth instead of cars and lanes.

The Bullshit Web


I’ve bought an annual subscription for WhenWorks. Already today my meeting scheduling has been so much easier. They just need to support UTC dates on their website.

I’ve just updated my /now page.

@smokey I just added your script to my functions.php file. Let’s see if this message reaches you…

@manton Do micro.blog hosted blogs offer ‘pages’ as well, that aren’t specifically a blog? It seems like your page has them - is that standard?

My next adventure in workflow optimisation: I’ve installed SaneBox. I don’t get copious email so not sure I need it, but that’s what trials are for, right?

After hearing from my micro.blog friends, I’ve decided to go ahead and upgrade to the TextExpander subscription service.

Back on board with TextExpander. I’m still running the non-subscription version, and I see no compelling reason to “upgrade”.