Seriously contemplating buying a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud for Photographers. New products may have put most people off but it built interest for me. It would also provide an impetus for me to get back into ‘proper’ photography.
Micro Blogging
Monday, October 23, 2017
Twitter continues to descend into a morass of bad behaviour while simultaneously floundering in search of a viable business model that might deliver a return for the billions in capital it has consumed1. The future of Twitter does not look bright, either socially or financially. As a result, I am experimenting with other platforms for expressing my random and (inconsequential?) thoughts. Facebook, while having a more profitable and successful business model, is still yucky for a bunch of other reasons.
Just hanging out.

I just had to visit the Coca Cola Australia website to understand all the variants of Coke. Surely if that’s necessary, your product marketing is a fail? Their new livery is terrible too.
Part 3: My Business Philosophy
Saturday, October 21, 2017
This is the final of a three-part series focused on explaining my business philosophy. Parts One and Two are also available. On my home page I call out my personal business philosophy: Andrew's business philosophy is built upon the value of mutual respect, the skill to leverage process for continuous improvement, and the ability to ultimately achieve self-actualisation. Self-Actualisation My philosophical statement finishes with the rather grand sounding ambition of achieving self-actualisation.
I just taught the Apple Store staff that you can fold an iPad Smart Keyboard such that the keyboard isn’t visible. I could get a job!
Tesla is apparently struggling to get lean manufacturing working. Doesn’t matter how good the product is if the company can’t make it.
This is a great resource to discover the true relative size of different countries The True Size.
Part 2: My Business Philosophy
Monday, October 9, 2017
This is the second of a three-part series focused on explaining my business philosophy. Part One is also available. On my home page I call out my personal business philosophy: Andrew's business philosophy is built upon the value of mutual respect, the skill to leverage process for continuous improvement, and the ability to ultimately achieve self-actualisation. Leverage Process for Continuous Improvement I am a big believer in the value of process.

Front garden. #spring #bluesky #nofilter

This is a really great video about human psychology and imposter syndrome.…
It’s the final Bintang. #bali

Saturday, September 30, 2017 →
Chair chill. #booj

Saturday, September 30, 2017 →
On a hot date with this chick. #bali #envy

Just one day left. 😩

Still relaxing.

Thursday, September 28, 2017 →
On this holiday I’ve been reading Deeprak Chopra’s Life After Death. A very thought-provoking read which I recommend to all. We are all going to go through it someday.
I’m on holiday, enjoying this location all the while hoping that the volcano of Mt Agung doesn’t blow…