We're Gonna Need a Bigger Canal

Jamie Thingelstad - Container Ship Queue:

They normally pass 50 ships a day through the canal. With so many backed up, it will be a few days before things get back to normal.

The linked article includes some cool graphical imagery of the shipping impact of the Panama Suez Canal1 being blocked.

It goes to show how fragile our trade system is; and the economic value inherent in the canal.

  1. My thanks to Steve Snider for pointing out my dopey mistake of calling out the wrong canal. Geography, eh? ↩︎

There’ll be a new episode of Hemispheric Views podcast dropping soon. Best catch up on the last episode then. The episode is named Perthonalities! as we reference people from my home town of Perth, Australia. 49 minutes of top-quality audio enjoyment!

I’m enjoying getting to know @mandaris who sounds like one of the happiest people on Earth. A great episode! pca.st

I want an email app that works with standard IMAP, but is well-designed and something different, like Hey. Is that too much to ask?

A quick test post straight from Ulysses 22 to micro.blog. Awesome to see Ulysses supporting the best blog host on the internet!

Artemis Fowl, 2020 - ★★

Watched on Sunday March 21, 2021.

My HEY experiment is not going well. For some reason, forwarding from Fastmail to HEY isn’t working. But I can’t be bothered figuring out why.

The battery of my iPad Pro 2017 has reached that point where it drains rapidly, even in standby. It does everything I need of it, so I could probably get a battery replacement. Or, I could buy the upcoming new iPad Pro or the current iPad Air. Prudent decision versus fun one. 🤔

Crowning Around

Me and my boys. Benji refuses to smile for any photo.

Dammit Microbloggers, now I’m trialling HEY again.

Do you listen to @hemisphericviews podcast? Are you a member of our Discord chat room? You should do both, because at the moment I’m giving away a free license of The Archive for macOS.

My wife has a Wikipedia entry. I’m only a tiny bit jealous.

This is very clever and helpful - @Hemisphericviews Media Corner reference page. Thanks @Burk. micro.burk.io

Downside of no Covid-19 lockdowns: stuffed nose/cold.

An Interview with Nick Elam (of Elam Ending Fame) 🏀

My friend Joe and I had the opportunity to interview Nick Elam, who is the creator of basketball’s Elam Ending, for the NBL Pocket Podcast.

We are on a mission to bring the Elam Ending to the Australian NBL.

Having the opportunity to speak with Nick was a genuine honour. If you like basketball, I think you will like this podcast.


Johnny•Decimal: A system to organise projects:

There are a couple of core concepts, and they’re so simple you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought of them before.

It’s worth mentioning at this point that all of this is free, and it’s possible to implement it without any additional tools.

I was introduced to the Johnny Decimal filing system by @jack. I’m going to give a go with my own computer document filing. As organised as I think I am, I certainly struggle to find digital files on a more regular basis than I would like.

I’m in today’s paper, smooching my wife! ❤️😘

My wife is the incoming Member for Victoria Park in the Western Australian State Parliament!

I love, love, love creating the @Hemisphericviews podcast with @Burk and @martinfeld. If you haven’t given it a chance, this is a fun one to start with. Performance reviews to pickles,episode 22 has it all.

Not often that I’m awake early enough to hear the kookaburras doing their morning laughs. Such a great sound.

That feeling when you wake up at 3:15am to record a podcast interview, then figure it’s not worth trying to go back to sleep after it’s done. I appreciate what @Burk deals with when we record @HemisphericViews now.

Calendar Hero

Calendar Hero » tyler.io:

It sits on your Desktop, below all of your other windows, and…shows your weekly calendar. It highlights the current day, the current hour of that day, and shows a countdown until your next event.

That’s it. That’s all I want.

This is terrific for somebody like me who is guided through life by his calendar.

Giraffe at Perth Zoo


It was amazing to be able to see the giraffes at Perth Zoo close-up yesterday. They have big heads!

Egg Face.

Audio-Technica ATH-M50x

I bought a set of Audio-Technica ATH-M50x to replace my ageing Bose QuietComfort 15s.

I’d already replaced the earmuffs on the Bose’s a couple of times. Now the headphones have the exterior coating of the foam flaking off. I was also getting sick of having to replace the AAA battery on a regular basis.

My headphones are basically restricted to desk use only these days, so I was happy to buy new headphones that didn’t feature Bluetooth - wiring into my EVO4 audio interface is fine, and in terms of latency and audio quality, preferable.

So far, I’ve only listened to a bit of music with these new cans. To my ears, they sound great! A crisp, clean and rich sound. As they are monitor headphones, they’re not designed to adjust the music, such as adding additional bass or anything. I like this, and I think it suits my needs perfectly.

I do notice they sit more tightly on and around my ears than the Bose and that the pressure on my ears is stronger than the Bose. I think my ears are getting hotter wearing these. I may find the need to take them off to give my ears some fresh air.

I need to keep listening to these to see how they perform over a longer time, with a greater variety of music - and when I record podcasts. So far, though, I’m giving them two thumbs up.