Rosé Day. 38°C.

In the last few days I’ve been more successful writing daily notes with Dynalist than I have been with any number of previous software options. I think outliners are simply my jam.

Started playing Animal Crossing. It’s a game of nothing that somehow consumes your time like a ravenous time phantom.

I need to tidy my study. Make things more accessible, particularly my dSLR which has languished. It used to be a core hobby, now I never touch it. Actually, the whole idea of photography sort of seems like work. The rise of camera phones has devalued photography as its own thing.

I don’t have the energy to truly investigate Obsidian. It’s software that is raved about, but I can’t muster the care to try it. Between The Archive, DEVONthink, Dynalist, etc. I already have too many places to take notes. Even if Obsidian could be the one I can’t find the drive.

Thanks to @joshsullivan, @jack, @twelvety who maintain wikis that I enjoy visiting and reading. Consider me your wiki-lurker. Merry Christmas!

Summer evening on the porch.

More Evidence Against Trickle-Down Economic Theory

Keeping tax low for rich does not boost economy:

From the Department of the Blinding Obvious, which has been consistently challenged by the Department of Vested Interests, comes a new paper demonstrating that Trickle-Down Economics… wait for it… doesn’t work!

Major reforms reducing taxes on the rich lead to higher income inequality but do not have any significant effect on economic growth or unemployment, according to new research by LSE and King’s College London.

Researchers say governments seeking to restore public finances following the COVID-19 crisis should therefore not be concerned about the economic consequences of higher taxes on the rich.

The foundation of an effective and fair progressive tax system is one upon which successful nation’s can build. Trickle-down economics can be expressed another way as ‘hollow-out economics’.

Via: 50 Years of Trickle-Down Economics Didn’t Work

I’m impressed with Apple Fitness+. The quality of the entire thing - presenters, set design, technology stack. All brilliant.

Waking up a sleeping M1 MacBook Air really is fast. Now I understand what Craig Federighi was talking about. Open the lid - bam, ready to go. Guess what, @Burk - my Intel iMac really is trash now.

Co-host of @HemisphericViews @martinfeld has taken the Milo discussion from our latest podcast episode to a new level. He has released Flavours of Feld, a video demonstrating correct Milo technique. Watch the video, subscribe to the podcast!

The screen on my new MacBook Air is never going to be this clean again.

I’ve got a problem where calendars shared from Fastmail via .ics link to Google Calendar aren’t showing any events in Google. Is Fastmail providing a malformed URL or is GooCal borked?

🔗 Link Post: “Daring Fireball: Ecosia Is Now a Default Search Engine Option for Safari”

John Gruber writing for Daring Fireball:

“I actually hadn’t heard of Ecosia before, but their story is interesting enough that I’m giving them a shot.”

If Gruber listened to Hemispheric Views he would have heard about Ecosia on Episode 2 back on 24 September.

Don’t be like Gruber. Subscribe now!

The latest mini-episode from @HemisphericViews talks spiders, Nissan Bluebirds and Gobbledoks. Have a listen. 🎙

I express my gratitude to the community of, so many of whom gave their best wishes to me when I shared the news of my Dad dying. This really is a great neighbourhood of the internet - thank you all. 💕🙌

Chrome is Bad

Chrome is Bad:

Short story: Google Chrome installs something called Keystone on your computer, which nefariously hides itself from Activity Monitor and makes your whole computer slow even when Chrome isn’t running. Deleting Chrome and Keystone makes your computer way, way faster, all the time.

I’ve never been a huge fan of Chrome. Reading this was enough to convince me to uninstall it for good.

This website has been published by Loren Brichter, who authored Tweetie way back when. I trust the guy.

I didn’t have the best nor closest relationship with my Dad. Today, however, he passed away to be with God and I appreciate the part he played in my life.

I’ve cloned logseq to my Github repo. An interesting clone of Roam Research – A note taking tool for networked thought.. compatriot @Gaby submitted his desk to @HemisphericViews for review. What do we have to say? @Burk @martinfeld Best listen and find out! 🎙

The latest episode of The NBL Pocket Podcast is live. If you want an update on the past week of Australian basketball, this is the podcast to listen you want. 🏀🎙

Never change, Amazon.

Kids are occupied, wind isn’t too bad, and heat has died down. It’s nice to be sitting on the front porch now.