HVmini // Craig's Desk

Are you curious to see how other’s set their desks up? We were @HemisphericViews so we asked listeners to share… and they did! First up is Craig. Follow along with the podcast with best-in-class show notes, including photos. You also get to see how the sausage was made as we share a screenshot of the edited file. Listen, learn, subscribe!

I’ve installed Big Sur on my iMac. So far, all seems well. I went to enable reduce transparency, only to discover I must have had it enabled in Catalina as the setting had transferred over.

Family night at the Victoria Park Family Christmas fair. Great to be out and about.

As usual, things get a bit crazy on @Hemisphericviews: @Burk drinks multiple beverages at once; I go overboard on ‘Media Corner’, selecting multiple items; and @martinfeld is shocked to discover that he is actually from the future. Is there an almanac for that? pca.st

There was the faint sound of an ice cream truck in the distance. Our kids have convinced Mum to take them in the car to track it down!🍦🚑

I’ve stayed up too late playing XCOM2. I can never get enough of that game. 🕹

Let’s Fix OmniFocus — Paul Sahner. This is a great article. I hope Omni are reading.

This final microblogvember post shall reinforce and remind me how difficult it is to post in accordance with a pre-determined word every day for a month! But I did it! #mbnov

I’ve had quite the pedestrian weekend, to date. #mbnov

I feel I live in one of the few places in the world where a mask has not been required at any point (yet) through the entire coronavirus pandemic. #mbnov

What am I going to write for today’s microblogvember post? It’s a dilemma #mbnov

TheBrain is on sale at the moment. It’s still expensive though. Yet I’m tempted. Even though I feel like DevonThink has me covered. 🤔🤯

Nothing is so perfect that one can’t adjust it to make it a little better. #mbnov

I took a call from a lady in Adelaide today. Wrong number. #mbnov

“No-one gets rich just by working hard.”

— (Royce Kurmelovs, Just Money)

Resurfaced with readwise.io

I love NBL Pocket Podcast day! pca.st

I can’t wait to provision a new MacBook Air. I may set it up without Migration Assistant; a completely fresh start for new chip architecture. #mbnov

When I took photographer more seriously and used a dSLR I would work hard to capture the perfect frame. Now, with iPhone photography I don’t invest nearly as much effort, and the results demonstrate that. My photography has regressed. #mbnov

I wrote a TextExpander snippet with my pen. It didn’t work.

By our State Government closing Western Australia’s border we have been spared the worst of the coronavirus. #mbnov

By using @LaunchBar 37 × per day, I’ve saved 27h 37m and became The Abbreviator! (since 17 June 2014)

As we head towards December, winter is becoming a distant memory. Next phase of our local weather should be ridiculous heat. #mbnov

Keep Practising 19: Podcast Player Roundup

I’ve trialled a few different podcast player apps over the past few days. This is a short summary of my findings, after trialling Apple Podcasts, Castro, Overcast and Pocket Casts.

I’m enjoying Pocket Casts as a podcast player. I’ve always been aware of it, but never tried it. Now I have, and I think it could be the best of the bunch.