I appreciate @beck and @tjluoma bringing my attention to a Keyboard Maestro script to allow “Edit Text in an Alternative App” functionality to the Mac.

Inktober Day 19: Sling.

Inktober Day 18: Misfit.

Inktober Day 17: Ornament.

Inktober Day 16: Wild.

I’ve been entirely swamped with work. πŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

Inktober Day 15m Legend.

Inktober Day 14: Overgrown.

Inktober Day 13: Ash.

Inktober Day 12: Dragon.

Inktober Day 11: Snow.

Inktober Day 10: Pattern.

Inktober Day 9: Swing.

I bought some NFC stickers to use with HomeKit devices. Now I need tot honk of some clever applications.

Fastmail does Snooze

Not all emails arrive when you’re ready. Hit snooze in Fastmail to bring it back at a better time for you.

With iOS 13’s Mail being terrible and Fastmail introducing snoozing, I’m using their native client as my primary mail interface.

Inktober Day 8: Frail.

Over the last couple of days I’ve gone geocaching with the kids and by myself. It’s fun; it makes me feel like I’m on Survivor hunting down the hidden immunity idol!

Inktober Day 7: Enchanted.

Inktober Day 6: Husky.

Inktober Day 5: Build.