Saturday, September 21, 2019 →
This TED talk does a great job of breaking down why neoliberalism is wrong, and what is needed to build a new theory of economics that benefits all.
Saturday, September 21, 2019 →
This TED talk does a great job of breaking down why neoliberalism is wrong, and what is needed to build a new theory of economics that benefits all.
Saturday, September 21, 2019 →
I bought Untitled Goose Game for Switch today. I knew it was published by Panic, but didn’t know it was Australian made. Good to have supported the local industry. 🕹
Saturday, September 21, 2019 →
I’m showing tremendous restraint by avoiding iOS 13.0 and waiting for 13.1. It’s like I’m a different person!
Thursday, September 19, 2019 →
I’m home again after my three-day work sojourn to Canberra which took 9 hours of flight time. Australia is big. ✈️
Thursday, September 19, 2019 →
My Apple Watch Series 1 battery has suddenly become incapable of holding a day’s worth of charge. It’s like it knows the Series 5 has been released. ⌚️
Is The Far Side making a comeback? I was obsessed with these comics as a young teen growing up in the early nineties. Our science teacher would stick a new comic up in his classroom every day. Reading it each morning was the highlight of the day.
Great spring weather for a street walk.
Saturday, September 14, 2019 →
First time at the beach for this season. First sunburn too. 🥵 It’s no fun being a complete whitey. 🏄🏼♂️ 🏖
The Australia v Spain 🏀 game was epic. Double overtime. Aussies with one day less rest combined with some interesting refereeing did them in. So no gold or silver medal on this journey, but they can still make history by winning a bronze.
Thursday, September 12, 2019 →
How Elon Musk Gambled Tesla to Save SolarCity | Vanity Fair
…many skeptics have come to see Musk’s stunts—from smoking pot during an interview to calling a diver who helped rescue kids trapped in a Thailand cave a “pedo guy”—as more unhinged than iconoclastic.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 →
I forgot there was an Apple event today. That’s a new experience for me. Now having caught up, I wouldn’t mind upgrading from my Series 1 Watch. Arcade and TV+ are well-priced. iPhone 11? Meh.
I’m going crazy adding emoji as the first character in my calendar events. Send help!‼️
Heading into wildflower season. The canola fields were a vibrant yellow but didn’t get a photo of those.
The boy and I took a weekend road trip to Hyden, Western Australia to see Wave Rock.
Police hunt for gang of six men rob Perth’s two Apple stores
Police are on the hunt for a gang of six men wanted over daring smash and grab robberies on Perth’s two Apple stores.
My hometown hitting the news in not such a great way.
The USA v Turkey 🏀 was bonkers. Turkey missed their opportunities and the US can breathe a sign of relief. Previously, the Brazil v Greece game was almost as good. My Boomers won ugly, with thanks to Joe Ingles.
A fun night at EPW wrestling my 8 year old son. Compared with a year ago, he gets into it so much more now! He even started a chant. But he still feels sad for the wrestlers who lose. 🥰
What does America have against vacation? - The Washington Post
The United States, on the other hand […] mandates no paid vacation or paid holidays. Zero days.
This seems crazy to me. Australia mandates 20 days of annual leave plus 10 public holidays. Work life balance is vital.
Living my best life. 🏀📺🏀📺🏀📺
The corrupting of democracy - The Economist
Politics used to behave like a pendulum. When the right made mistakes the left won its turn, before power swung back rightward again. Now it looks more like a helter-skelter. Cynicism drags democracy down.
Will democracy self-correct?