My iPad Pro has developed a ‘lighter’ splotch on the screen, just a bit above the home button. I keep thinking it’s a smudge, but it’s definitely the screen. Now I can’t unsee it. Must be upgrade time. 😅
I think @martinfeld really knocked it out of the park with this post. Apple and the Craftsmen – Lounge Ruminator
RSS reader update: Reeder is too ancient, its panels don’t look nice on a portrait iPad and it has slow sync. Unread is pretty but there is so much swiping and long-tapping needed to do anything. I might be slinking back to Fiery Feeds.
@martinfeld i just saw that John Siracusa has faved your rumination in Instapaper. A brush with nerd fame!
After using Fiery Feeds for some time, I’m doing an audit and testing other RSS apps again. Fiery Feeds seemed to be using a lot of battery. So far, Unread is winning.
That was fun, spending $672 on car maintenance, with news of more expenses to come soon.
It was great to be out in the bush with our old girl Indi.

Monthly Review March 2019
Saturday, April 6, 2019
The third entry in this series, reviewing my month that was. What Went Well at Home? I started Long Service Leave, which is a benefit that becomes available after working for a single employer for 10 years. This time off has been wonderful so far. I have not at all missed work. I’ve disconnected my email accounts, am not answering calls, and am entirely disassociated from my normal work world.
Further investigations into my missing wedding ring are leading to the unfortunate conclusion that my 3-year old boy flushed it down the toilet. He will be hearing about this when he’s older.
I seem to have lost my wedding ring. Oh no.
World Autism Awareness Day
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Today, 2 April, is World Autism Awareness Day. Wear light blue to show your support and understanding.
@martinfeld Your latest rumination on travel as work resonated with me. Not that I do it, but that I also think it’s a trap. Wage growth is already anaemic, why provide additional labour at no charge?
As of today I’ve been off Twitter for one year. My life is better for it!
I shaved off the beard I had been growing for months and now have regrets.
OmniOutliner as a Daybook
Monday, March 25, 2019
I’ve recently taken to using OmniOutliner as a daybook/Bullet Journal. I don’t actively follow the bullet journal methodology, although the more I think about it, the more useful it seems.1 Traditionally, I’ve not been one to record daily events as they occur and make notes about all the little things. More recently, however, I’m finding that I want to recall something that happened earlier, or a decision that was made, or an event.
On iOS, iA Writer may look better, Ulysses may seem better, but 1Writer actually is better!
Somebody needs to tell the tightly-wound petrol station guy that if I reverse into the spot, I am not entering the station from the wrong direction. I’m just a good driver.
This is a post purely to test whether my Inoreader rule matching is working. If it is, certain others will receive this post by email.
You are not supposed to get locked out of your own car with a keyless entry fob…
democratic capitalism’s future : democracy journal
Saturday, March 23, 2019
democratic capitalism’s future : democracy journal