The @HemisphericViews live event was a blast! Thanks to everyone for joining in on the fun - and the awkward 1980s social norms.
I’m excited for our @hemisphericviews Crocodile Dundee live watch event that’s a bonus for our Patreon members. Kicks off in 3 hours. If you want to join in head over to to pledge support and we will send you the link to the live watch! @burk @martinfeld
What is with Safari 15 and overly-aggressive caching? I can’t trust that I’m seeing the canonical website at the moment. As if the tabs weren’t enough of a problem!
Thanks to @amit reminding me of his micro.threads app, I’ve followed some additional people on - some of which I thought I already was following. Got you now!
Free Guy, 2021 - ★★½
A fun romp with plenty of fan service for gamers and YouTubers. Would have benefited from a shorter runtime through tighter editing.
I’m getting @maique in my Porkbun emails.
Sometime in the last 6 hours Drummer lost a bunch of my edits and customisations. A friendly reminder that this is still beta software that is actively under development!
Oh no, what on earth am I doing to myself? Do I have to maintain three blogs now? Micro.Blog, Blot and Drummer
I have followed the instructions but I can’t get the Drummer glossary to work. Included terms are not being converted. I must be missing something obvious. Can I ping @jack and @amit again?
It’s been a minute since I last posted to my blog from Ulysses. It’s awesome to be able to pick and choose from a variety of tools to create and share content. Interoperability is great. The open web is great.
My playground Drummer instance is at…
This micro blog may hitherto be referred to as But the old address will probably work as well.