Hey, look, science works

Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine is more than 90 percent effective in first analysis, company reports - The Washington Post Vaccine development typically takes many years, even decades. But the coronavirus vaccines have been a rare success story in the response to the virus, able to move forward because of a flourishing of new vaccine technologies, a backbone of prior work on emerging pathogens and a mentality that rarely exists in the world of vaccine development — of governments and companies willing to devote nearly unlimited resources to make sure that a vaccine succeeds.

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A thing that is a staple of sci-fi movies, but which I don’t think will ever exist, much to my disappointment, is the force field. #mbnov

My Subscription Services

Steven Garrity at Acts of Volition writes of the online services he pays for. This prompted me to make my own quick list. Some of these links include referral codes, but that’s not the motivation driving this post. They do, however, help me out. Internet Infrastructure Micro.blog Where I spend a lot of my Internet socialising time. It also hosts my blog, photos and podcast. Blot An alternative blog that I set up mainly because I was interested in Blot.

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“Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to.”

— Susan Cain, Quiet

Resurfaced with readwise.io

Playing XCOM2, my soldiers constantly put in a bind by those dastardly aliens. #mbnov

I’ve been waiting 4 years for this podcast from @gruber and @merlinmann castro.fm

Congratulations USA! You removed the stain on your country. I’m so happy for you all. Unite around this to build a stronger union. Repair starts now. 🇺🇸 🗳

A word a day for microblogvember. Why is it so hard to think of something interesting to say for the word inflate? #mbnov

Attic stash but somehow missing the OG Apple TV that got so hot it could fry an egg.

My two go-to options for brain-exercise through puzzling are Good Sudoku and New York Times Crossword. #mbnov

Trump’s attacks on vote counts seem to follow an authoritarian playbook - The Washington Post

“The Russian mentality is, ‘Whatever truth works for you in that moment is the truth you embrace in that moment,’ ” Farkas said. “Even if you say something different two minutes later, it doesn’t matter. You call on that second truth for your immediate need, and your followers don’t care.”

This is the most succinct explanation of Trump’s behaviour that I have seen.

If you tried one of our earlier episodes of Hemispheric Views but didn’t persist, try the latest one. We’re really hitting our stride. I think it’s the best yet. Doorbells, reverse sponsorships, Ted Lasso. All that and more in only 45 minutes. @Burk @martinfeld

My letter to Amiga Format

In the most recent episode of my podcast Hemispheric Views I mentioned the time I was featured in the Workbench section of Amiga Format magazine. I loved the Amiga, and I subscribed to Amiga Format in addition to a few other British and Australian Amiga magazines. The highlight of my month was riding my bike to the newsagent to collect my reserved copy. I always liked the productivity and system utility applications more than gaming.

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As I age, I reckon I’ll develop a stoop. That’s the price for being tall. #mbnov

I’ve added a TritonAudio Fethead to my audio chain. Without it I had to set my EVO4 audio interface to about 95% gain to support my Rode Procaster. With the Fethead gain is now set at around 45% and the audio sounds much warmer and richer. I’m a fan!

Looking for a distraction from the US Election? At #HemisphericViews we’ve got you covered. “I Used the Corporate Card!”, our latest podcast episode available for streaming or download now. With @martinfeld and @Burk.

The Electoral College system makes for dramatic counting but I don’t see how it’s fair and supportive of a one vote, one value philosophy.

Oh America, what have you done? 😢

Microblogvember posts are probably better to be written near the end of the day, when I have some events to reflect upon as I try to fit the word in the post. #mbnov

Iraq Sends Independent Observers To Monitor US Election | The Shovel:

Iraq has sent thousands of independent observers to the US to help build public confidence in the struggling nation’s upcoming election.

It almost reads as believable.