My 8-year old son is obsessed with US politics, even though he is Australian. I think he has inherited his Poppy’s genes.

It’s nice to look at my calendar for tomorrow and see that while I have three client calls, all of them are people I know well enough at this point to consider them friends. Turns a business call into an opportunity to catch up.

Keep Practising: S01, E01

Keep Practising: S01, E01. Andrew starts a podcast. As is the cultural norm, this first podcast episode is dominated with talk about podcasting.

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🔗 Link Post: “Introducing for Families”

Cloudflare Blog:

“Introducing for Families — the easiest way to add a layer of protection to your home network and protect it from malware and adult content. "

I used Cloudflare DNS in the past, but more recently have been using OpenDNS to block non-kid-safe content but its relatively slow. Now I’m moving back to Cloudflare.

I recognise all the dodgy security and behavioural issues at Zoom. At the same time, their service has been rock solid helping me get work done during the day, and in touch with family and friends at night.

PSA: If your home network goes down, don’t assume it’s the fault of a device. It might just be a dodgy Ethernet cable. Of course, I would realise that straight away and not waste 2 hours diagnosing various other possible causes.

I’ve rebuilt my Raspberry Pi and am once again avoiding ads, thanks to Pi-hole.

Furniture rearranging day. We converted a bedroom to a kids activity room, reorganised the layout in the study, and created a second home office desk. I’ve surely had my exercise for today.

My Raspberry Pi died. Already missing Pi-hole ad blocking.

I’ve spent the morning rearranging furniture in my study. After a week of Zoom meetings I discovered the lighting was terrible, making my head look like a tomato. Hopefully this change improves things!

I never anticipated that I would experience (and hopefully live through) a pandemic in my lifetime. Our lives - and our dominion over the planet - are fragile. We need to come out of this much more aware as a global society.

🔗 Link Post: “Donald Trump Is a Menace to Public Health”

The entire article is certainly worth reading. It was hard to pick out excerpts because it’s all so well written.

Adam Serwer writing for The Atlantic:

Authoritarian leaders prize loyalty over expertise, and part of the way such leaders determine loyalty is through demanding sycophantic praise from underlings, smoking out those unwilling to bend the knee.

Democracy can be thought of as a garden; if you don’t tend to it, it doesn’t take long to be overtaken by the weeds of alternative, less-preferred civic models.

“Trumpist media outlets, by contrast, have created a bubble of unreality where nothing but the most effusive praise of Trump is acceptable, where anyone who disagrees with or criticizes the president is part of a grand conspiracy to destroy him, and where the only facts that exist are those that reflect well on the president.”

Having denied that the coronavirus was a major issue for months, the president sought to recast himself as an oracle, and conservative media followed suit, shifting their tone from downplaying the severity of the pandemic to praising the heroic efforts of the president to address it.

I’m old fashioned in that I like my news to give me the news, not an opinion. Right-wing media is out of control - pretending to be news but actually delivering propaganda.

The president is a relentless scammer at heart, and even during a pandemic he will attempt to get what he wants while providing as little as possible in return, as though he were trying to save cash by stiffing a contractor.

This pretty much nails it. Everything is for personal gain; not for the collective good. In Trump’s world, everything is a zero-sum game.

🔗 Link Post: “Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” - Washington Post”

Harry Stevens writing for Washington Post:

If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May.

That is math, not prophecy.

The simulation diagrams in this story provide the best example of how social distancing can be beneficial.

I took my kid to the park and we met a lovely family who is new to the neighbourhood. We had a great conversation while our kids played together. We maintained appropriate social distance for a coronavirus world, and the social interaction has improved my mood.

If we are all going into quarantine - and potentially seeing reduced personal income - budgeting becomes even more important. I recommend YNAB - I’ve been a happy paying customer for years. 💵

If we arranged a global agreement whereby the entire world entered isolation for two weeks, essentially pausing everything, would that eliminate the virus and minimise the economic impact?

I’ve draped nine towels around my study. It sounds so much nicer in here now. I’m sure the appearance will not gain approval from my wife, however.

Like You:

Like You is a mindfulness podcast for kids, exploring feelings & encouraging self-esteem through imagination-based exercises.

I’m supporting this podcast on Patreon. Both my boys enjoy the show.

Given societal concerns about COVID-19, I’ve turned to offering people I had scheduled face-to-face meetings with the option to meet via video conference instead.

Should I be more worried about COVID-19 than I am? I can’t help but think about statistically likelihoods and the probability still seems low compared with more mundane disasters. Also, I lived through a bout of swine flu which might be giving me false confidence in my immune system.